Ribbed waste water pipes

Aug 4, 2004
Can any one give me a reason why the manufacturers insist on fitting ribbed waste water pipes. Surely as they are ribbed it will help clog it up quicker.
Mar 14, 2005
The answer is very easy - cost and ease of installation. Ribbed pipes do not have to be pre-bent and can be routed very easily in relatively small radii without any danger of kinking. They only need to be cut to an appropriate length.
Mar 14, 2005
There was a thread on UK Camp Site recently on this topic and the opinion was that it was to make them bend round corners easily.You can replace straight runs with rigid pipes particularly long level bits under the van.Some places like under the sink need flexible to contort.You can get smooth inside replacements.Last week I got 2 water traps for 28.2mm pipe to cut out the smells etc.
May 21, 2008
I replaced all our waste pipes with smooth plastic hose from an aquatic shop. The ribbed pipes held the debbris in them and caused a foul smell in the van. We even use the same pipe to go to the waste master. The sink drains much easier now and the smell's have gone. While I acn see the manufacturer could save cost's in the pipe and the installation, the smoothe pipe is mor eenvironmentally friendly to us the user. (no nasty niffs).