Richard Hammond - Top Gear

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Mar 14, 2005
The latest news is that he is out of Intensive Care. Great news. God be with you Richard and may you make a full recovery.
Sep 22, 2006
Have just heard the news that David Hammond seems to be a little better. Though this forum has had its differences Top Gear in the past, I think we all hope he makes a full recovery and again makes us swear a little. CliveJW


I was making the point that Mr Hammond was driving a type of vehicle that is probably as far removed from everyday cars as you can get. This was basically a jet engine on wheels. There is no gearbox, no clutch, no brakes to speak off, virtually no steering and the throttle is either on or off. It has been described as basically a jet aeroplane with no wings which is why I made the point that jet pilots are more experienced in this type of machine. Mr Hammond has never driven any vehicle at 300 mph because they don't currently exist, and I am not aware that he has a jet pilot's licence.

Now the reasons why he did this action are only ones he can answer. Driving the vehicle is one thing, trying to break a speed record is a totally different ball game. A high speed train has wheels and a great big engine but would that qualify him to drive it?
Jun 23, 2005
Yes i can only add my prayers for richard and his family. Love top gear and brainiacs. Even dont mind the fun poked at our hobby God if we cant laugh at ourselves we dont deserve to laught at anything else. I think he and clarkson are great foils for each other. Heard he's better this am on the news driving into the jail hope the recovery keeps up.

Loved the conkers with caravans and the darts too pmsl at the time. Damn i missed the trio's exploits in the caravan as i was on holiday. Hurry up and get back to work Hammond it wouldnt be the same without you


If the reports in the newspapers are to be believed, and I repeat 'if', then it appears that his wife has only recently been asking him to stop doing these sorts of stunts as she was worried what might happen. He apparently did not listen to her on this occasion and the reasons for that are not known to us. Was this his choice, or made with encouragement from other interested third parties. We do not know. Hopefully, he will make a full recovery but it will be interesting to see what decision he makes on future events.

If the media coverage surrounding this accident makes at least one young driver decide to slow down and at least one innocent life is then saved, then some good will have come out of it.
May 25, 2005
Richard Hammond is a brilliant chap. I have heard this morning that after only 30 hours of surgery he has been up on his feet and walking! With his positive attitude to life he will continue to do well. All my best wishes to him and his family. I am looking forward to seeing him back on our TV screens.
May 25, 2005
I have just read further news on Richard.

Apparently, Jeremy Clarkson was at his side when suddenly Richard opened his eyes and sat upright. Then he asked what had happened. When told he had been in a car accident he got out of bed and unsteadily headed for the bathroom!!!

Thought you might like to hear this.
May 21, 2008
Having enjoyed every program that Richard has made, we wish him a speedy recovery.

The Hamster is not only a down to earth person, a brilliant presenter, but also he understands what he's talking about.

We wish both him and his family a good recovery and all the best for the future.
Feb 15, 2006
hi, richard hamster hammond is now on a general ward making good progress. you can send him a get well message via the top gear website if you want.

get well soon hamster

Sep 13, 2006
Richard has now been transferred to our local BUPA hospital, looked as though he is recovering well.

Following the links to the TG caravan holiday I also watched the vans under
May 12, 2006
I wonder if BUPA is part of the BBC contract for TG staff !!!! All I can say is I'm pleased he didn't die, or we may have had another Lady Di moment, with a national two minutes silence on the BBC. We are putting celebs on higher and higher pedestals all driven ( not a pun )by the media circus.

Val & Frank
May 4, 2005
I daren't,might get shot down in flames again ;o( maybe if I change it to a non celeb/Elton John joke and that will be ok.(",)


Mar 14, 2005
I daren't,might get shot down in flames again ;o( maybe if I change it to a non celeb/Elton John joke and that will be ok.(",)
Probably best to wait the six months before you start posting jokes.
May 12, 2006
I know some really sick jokes, ones that I dare not post either. So one of you two should go ahead, and see if you get slagged off !!!!!

Val & Frank
Jun 7, 2005

Lighten up for heavens sake, Richard himself would find humour in this situation as he so aptly demonstrated just after the incident.
Apr 28, 2006

Lighten up for heavens sake, Richard himself would find humour in this situation as he so aptly demonstrated just after the incident.
I don't doubt for one second that he will find the whole episode funny afterwards and take the ribbing he will inevitably get from the other presenters of Top Gear like the top bloke he obviously is. I just find the reaction of some unbelievable simply because their precious caravans were slagged off on the programme. It's not me who needs to lighten up it's some of the users on here.


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