I'm setting off tomorrow evening, heading for CC site in Southport with overnight stop en route. Will be driving down M6 from the north and looking for advice on best route from motorway to Southport.
Looking at the map I thought perhaps to leave M6 at Junction 31 onto A59 then A565. I have tried three different internet route planners all of which have given entirely different routes and none match the one I had considered. The AA has me going onto the M55 then A1, michelin has me staying on M6 till junc 26 then onto M58 while mapquest has me coming off M6 at Junction 29 and going across country via minor roads to meet up with A59.
Any advice appreciated.
Looking at the map I thought perhaps to leave M6 at Junction 31 onto A59 then A565. I have tried three different internet route planners all of which have given entirely different routes and none match the one I had considered. The AA has me going onto the M55 then A1, michelin has me staying on M6 till junc 26 then onto M58 while mapquest has me coming off M6 at Junction 29 and going across country via minor roads to meet up with A59.
Any advice appreciated.