Rover 75 mirrors

Jul 28, 2008
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It depends how wide your caravan is. When I had my 75's, I initially used the genuine Rover parts which sometimes are available on Ebay. Howwever, when we bought a later caravan which was slightly wider, the mirrors weren't wide enough to give an adequate view. Latterly, I used the Milenco Aero mirrors which would attach to the 75's mirrors ok owing to the amount of adjustment on the Milenco's mountings. They did vibrate a little (but then again don't most towing mirrors?), but all in all I found them to be excellent.
Jul 28, 2008
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I would agree with you about the 75. I had a 1999 CDT saloon and later a 2004 Tourer CDT 135bhp, which was excellent. It had all the toys (Sat Nav, TV, Self-levelling rear etc, etc). The only reason that we sold it a year ago was because we needed something more substantial for a new lardier (like me!) caravan. It was a sad day when it went, especially for what I got for it.

I still see them, and look with affection.

Another NigelH.
Feb 16, 2009
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Nigel, we to went for a new van an Ace Fire star the Rover could still pull it and well even though it was a 94% match, the wife was due to change the Shogun for an 07 which was a better match but still we use the Rove sometimes especially if the in-laws are at the same site as us with their Motorhome, its more pleasant taking them out in the Rover, as the Shogun is only the SWB.

Hope to keep it for another few years yet, like you won't get much for it.

Nigel Heathcote
Jul 28, 2008
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We went for a new Leaky Lunar (as it has turned out to be!) with a MTPLM of 1440kgs, so again would have been within the capabilities of the Rover, but thinking that we might have got a heavier 'van (Swift equivilent approx 1600kgs) we changed for a Discovery 3 first. Whilst I cannot deny that the Discovery is better overall for our type of caravanning (CL's usually), I certainly couln'd fault the Rover (with perhaps the exception of the usual turbo-diesel issue of hill starts and high first gear - manual). Consumption was usually 40-45 knocking around, 50-55 on a gentle run, and 26-28 towing (although I once got 35 towing - following wind!), towing our Abbey at 1439kgs. Ah, halcion days!

Feb 16, 2009
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Nigel you say leaky Lunar we used to caravan back in the eighties and had a Lunar Moonlight we loved it, l have heard the expression Leaky Lunars but always dismissed it.

We love the Ace Firestar went for that instead of the Abbey or the swift equivalent purely on the d
Jul 28, 2008
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Where do I start? When we first went to collect the 'van, I noticed a small area of damage to the bodywork. The Heki rooflight over the bed was not fitted correctly, and the bed base was a cobbled together wooden affair that was falling apart. I rejected it. The 'van went back to the factory for the repairs, and was then fitted with the proper bed base, afetr I'd heard all the excuses from Lunar. The bed initially felt like a 10 year old Travel Lodge bed, (sinking in the middle). It turned out that there was no centre support and the bed was bowing (we're not lightweights, but then again probably not more than "average" either).

Since then, it's just been a catalogue of problems, and is at the factory (not the dealers) for the third time as we speak. There were areas of bodged body repairs (obvious overspray when in sunlight), awful creaking and cracking of the bed base when walking past, light falling to bits, badges not put on straight, edging coming off worktops and tables, etc, etc. Then, when we used the thing in December, we had water dripping into a ceiling light (in front of the main Heki), and a damp patch on the wall underneath the bedroom window. I'm sure there are a whole host of things not listed, but as you can see, more than just niggles.

Bearing in mind that we bought the thing brand new last June, it's appalling. I'm not so nieve to think that all our previous Swift products have been perfect, but I've never had the issues that I've had with the Lunar.

It's very sad really, because the ambiance of the Lexon SE was far nicer than the Swift Challenger/Stirling Eccles and Bailey Senator equivilents (in our opinion), and I still think that. But, I've got to the stage where I don't want to have anything more to do with it, and whilst it will no doubt cost me a lot of money (that I'd rather not spend), I want rid of it.

Would I have another Lunar. Not on your life!
Feb 16, 2009
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Thanks for the info Nigel ammunition in my amour if she starts wanting to look at the Lunar again, will probably wait a couple of years and may be the Swifts will change decor.

So sorry to here of your problems hope everything works out in the end.

Jul 28, 2008
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Thank you for your good wishes. It really is a shame because we too liked the Clubman SE, but the Lexon has certainly put me off. I know that I've been very unlucky, and for me there will be lots of people who are highly delighted, but I can only report as I find.

Happy 'vanning!

Feb 16, 2009
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It gets more interesting when Nigel the Editor gets involved then their are 3 answering, doubt whether there would be two Highlanders plenty of good old jocks though.