satalite & Sky question

Apr 4, 2007
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HI we have Sky at home a more modern box that we can record on downstairs and the older type box in the bedroom. if i buy a dish to take in the caravan - do i take the old box - as i doubt my other half will take the one downstairs as he is a square eyes and will need it to record his stuff!
Mar 14, 2005
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As HRH requires to watch every Prem Plus match & other football we take the Sky+ box .

You can get adapters that screw into/onto the coax to make them push fit and this makes it easier if you are doing it frequently.

I need a good signal strength meter but there is a school of thought that says that you can do it off the tuning scale (services 6,4)

The problem with Sky digital is that it takes a minute or so to show on the tuning scale and so you don't know when you are on it and can overshoot etc.

It takes practice

As Swiss Tony would say finding the satellite is like making love to a beautiful woman.

You need to take your time until you get the knack!

Being on or off the satellite is not much more than the thickness of a pencil line on the pole so it needs to be done slowly and patiently.

The same applies to the vertical angle as well


Jan 16, 2007
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Hi Lynne. Do yourself a favour and trust a real expert,not me I have to say. David Sullivans website at is the most comprehensive source of info on sky/caravans you will ever come across. David has spent the last 7 years doing caravanners a real service, all for free. You will know how to, when to, where to,what to etc etc etc. It will tell where you can get a good deal. I have to warn you though, regardless of what others say, its not easy and you do need to exercise a little patience but I promise it does get easier. I have been taking sky to France/Italy/Spain for years but I still print most of Davids stuff each year and take it with me. Good luck JTS.
Aug 4, 2005
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You say you have two sky boxes at home. If you are on Sky's multi room deal then you may have to use some caution when taking your box from home with you. Part of the multi room deal is that you must have all your boxes connected to the one nominated phone line at all times. I believe this was to stop next door neighbours getting cheap Sky. They can and do check up on this, we received a polite but pointed warning when,unknown to me my grandsonwho ,stays with me, unplugged his digi-box from the phone. I don't suppose it would matter for a day or two but they do notice and can change your fee tariff if they think you are not complying with their guidelines. As others have recommended try Davis Sullivan's site, satelliteforcaravans, excellent, and David is good at replying to any email queries.

Mar 14, 2005
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We have Sky+ and multi room and as you say its supposed to be connected to the phone line always

So far we have not recived the letter from Sky and have been away for up to 5 weeks.

We are going away for 7 weeks soon and if the dreaded letter was to arrive then we would have to pay 2 full subscriptions in future rather than the present multi room.
Aug 4, 2005
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Interested to hear you have been away for 5 weeks without being pulled up. I've honestly no idea how long my grandson had his digi-box disconnected for,he couldn't remember either. I don't have a sky set up for the van but am thinking about it but was reluctant to take my house box away, might reconsider that now and chance it.

Apr 17, 2007
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We invested in a motorised satellite dish as we expected to be touring Europe. Brilliant (until BBC and ITV moved and larger satellite needed). Would highly recommend one in UK if you can afford it. We were away from UK for 18 months and had no trouble not being in telephone contact with SKY. We used our Sky+ with no probs.
Mar 14, 2005
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That's great Anne but after 12months you don't have to have the phone line connected on Sky or Sky+ but with multi room you do need to stay connected or it would be possible to have one box in one house and the other in another house saving about


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