Satellite dishes

Aug 6, 2005
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Sorry this old chestnet again and apologies if it has been raked over earlier.

In the new edition of Practical Caravan, I was interested in the Portable Satellite dish in the case (page 120). On contacting Leisure Power they dont have any at the moment but are expecting new stock early next year. Has anyone had exprerience of the dish? Is it suitable for the purpose etc etc? £149.00 seems rather pricey but the pack away in a case is rather appealing. Are Leisure Power the only suppliers? We didn't see the report in January as we have only been getting the mag a couple of months

Many thanks to all those who reply
Mar 14, 2005
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I haven't used the Potable Satellite but I have used the Arcon Sweety for a few years but found that the dish was easily distorted and moved on to the Mulimo several years ago.

The dish is more robust but 3 LNBs (the bit on the end of the arm) have failed so I have now gone on to the Maxview dish which has a conventional LNB which is readily available and also can be replaced with a quad LNB for using Sky+

The dish costs less than half the price of the Multimo and is more robust .

Mine cost
Mar 14, 2005
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hi, we use a sky mini dish it only cost a few quid and is easy to set up ,we have bought a tripod for it to go on so it can be easily moved around so that you can get a good quality picture, it worked well in france too.



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