
Aug 4, 2004
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Over the weekend the kids in the next door caravan spent more time playing around the side of their caravan than in front of it. This is between the door side of ours and their other side. Consequently after awhile they got a bit annoying especially the screeching that only a child can make. The parents did not bat an eyelid or tell the kids to play the other side of their caravan. We couldn't even sit outside on the grass as they would run between the chairs. It is a seasonal site and we keep the grass in front of our caravan in good condition whereas the people next door do not really bother.

The kids are young and under 6 and are normal generally nice kids so was unsure about asking them to play elsewhere. Also their parents are okay (we could have and have had worse) but we do not want to upset the apple cart. Also the screeching sets the dogs off barking. This has only started over the past two weekends although they are down most weekends. Any advice on how to approach this problem before I become a grumpy old kid hater.
May 12, 2006
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Hi Ian,

" especially the screeching that only a child can make ".

Funny you just brought this up. Over the weekend we stayed at Banff and Val commented on how little girls always scream when playing on the swings etc in the park. I suppose you will just have to wait for them to grow out of it, whilst you continue to scream quietly inside.

Val & frank
Feb 3, 2006
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Try the sympathy route, tell the parents you have the mother of all hangovers and could they ask the children to stop.If they don't, crack open the gin bottle and start doing your pub singer impressions( tit for tat).The following day you can find out how bad the noise would have been had you really had a hangover !


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