Secondment topic

Oct 19, 2007
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No, I actually asked for it to be removed. I'm absolutely sick to the back teeth of being fodder for forum users who just want to humiliate, patronise and bully ordinary people who would like to post on a variety of subjects. Personally I have found some interesting things on here, apart from caravan issues, that have proven to broaden my knowledge about subjects I never really think about. Unfortunately, as is usual in life, there are always those who can't just pass by a post or issue they have no interest in, they have to try and belittle those posting, incite hostility and ignite anger. I'm just not going to bother at all in future, its the same old people all the time, think they own the forum and bully other people off it. Well, its worked with me, I've reached the end of the road. The mods do a fantastic job but I'm sure these morons could be barred by their internet address. The PC Forum is going the the same as the forum on the "other side" same old people who are on it all day every day, gatekeeping new users off, putting silly little emoticons and inane statements on the bottom, not for me, I think everybody should have the opportunity to post equally. If I see a post that I know nothing about or has no interest for me I just move on - wouldn't be nice if we could all do that?


Nov 12, 2009
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I removed the topic at the request of Timbo who was the originator of the subject.

If anyone feels that they have been bullied or treated discourteously on PCv by other members please bring it to the attention of the moderators via this section of the forum and we will deal with the problem.
Mar 14, 2005
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Timbo - I didn't pay much attention to your particular topic as I had no relevant information or advice to give to you. However I do sympathise with you for the seemingly ridicule you have been given from members of the forum. As a genuine caravanner who enjoys the occassional joke, although not at any individuals expence, I would ask of you to reconsider puling off the forum but to give it one more try. I was in a similar frame of mind a few years ago and did not contribute here for some time, but now I am back and generally the forum seems better behaved than previous. Regarding the "other" forum I will not go down that route for personal reasons. Therefore please reconsider and give it a second chance. There are genuine contributers here who like to join in and help/advise where ever possible.

Regards - Colin
Jun 20, 2005
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Hi Timbo,

I hope you stay.

The banter has always been good and in fairness Mr Mods has always put a stop to misbehaviour or rudeness.

More to the point, in my view, 95% of the stuff here is intelligent useful stuff which has broadened my knowledge considerably.





I suspect you have reached the position many of us have reached at some stage. Things have not gone the way you hoped and others have made comments which have not helped. I think that is the politest way I can describe your being p....d off!

Take some time out, cool off and think again, as Robert the Bruce would have said, while sitting in a cave after getting whipped. I actually do not believe there are very many on this Forum who deliberately set out to ridicule, but sometimes Posts can be interpreted in many different ways from what may have been intended, as I know to my own cost.

Also, without having any idea of your particular circumstance, I can add that life can be a ***** at times, and you just have to move on.


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