Seeing a man about a dog?

Oct 22, 2009
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Hello folks, this is a cautionary tale/tail! We took The Bears for their rabies booster yesterday to be told there was no qualified vet in attendance.This was most annoying as we had made an appointment specifically for this procedure.We told we could travel to another practice or come back the next day. I voiced my views on the poor standards and left to find another vet. Now this is the most agravating bit, It seems that because the rabies booster is one day late the passports are invalid and we have to start the process all over again.We have a tunnel crossing and 5 sites booked covering 14 weeks starting April 10th.To say we are put out is putting it mildly.We have been to the new vet this very day and started the rabies jabs and blood tests.I am most concerned about The Bears (tiny pomeranians) having the stress of it all.I am resigned to my fate but all you doggie folk beware and get the boosters done well in advance. We were not able because of family issues.It wont happen AGAIN!!!!
Thursdays Child
Jan 2, 2008
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I don't want to raise your hopes, but have you checked with your vet that being one day over the vaccination anniverary means that you have to start again?
I'm asking this because I'm sure that my vet once said that the vaccines lasted for two years and that he only reccommended yearly booster 'to be on the safe side'.
I'm not offering this as fact, just something that might be worth investigating. If you do so, please let me know the outcome.
Oct 22, 2009
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Emmerson, this is the question I asked of Himself.who is resposible for managing the diary .I sort out and book travel arrangements,We were not aware that there is NO tollerance with the rabies booster like there is for th nornal vaccinations.As you can imagine we are well and truly fed up at the moment.However had there been a qualified vet in attendance we would have been OK..The new vaccine which was administered by our new vet lasts for 2 years as opposed to the one used before which lasted 3 years.Apparently if you are going to slend a long time in France you may need the booster every year!! Its a potntial minefield.The Bears have been going back and forth for 3 years with no problems so hopefully that will be the case again.Himself is very down so I am not berating him after all he is only human.He rarely makes this sort of faux pas.AND I have seen some lurvely shoes I cant live without ,so it might just cheer me up a bit.What do you think my chances are of getting them tomorrow?
Thursdays Child


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