Shock tactics for knife carriers

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Jan 19, 2008
stephen I tend to agree with you, especially those who commit treason or mass murder like terrorists or Shipman.

In truth it's not going to happen though so we need to push for the next best thing, a sentence to fit the crime.

For murder they should have life and that means life, never to be let out again. Paedophiles should be locked up indefinitely or if deemed it will correct them, castrated, along with rapists.

All crime that involves violence resulting in death or maiming should be an automatic gaol sentence and gaol should be gaol. No TVs, games, videos, smoking. Infact they should have basic food and be confined to their cells for 23 1/2 hours per day.

Compulsive thieves should also carry a gaol sentence but could be supervised while doing community work like clearing up litter. Just get them off the streets and incarcerate them so that we can walk about in safety.

Pity theres no islands left so we can deport them although I'm informed theres plenty of room in Eastern Europe to send them :O)


I'm sure there would be a closer welcome for them all in Germany LB.

Plenty of room around at Lutz's for him to offer tea and sympathy and explain the error of their ways ;O)
Mar 14, 2005
While Germany is not without its problems regarding violence by young thugs, by all accounts it's nowhere as near as severe as in the UK. In fact, the news media over here seem to revel in exposing the uncouth knife swinging mobs as symptomatic of the moral downfall of the UK compared to the relative quiet in this country. Carrying knives etc. is not the big issue here, so perhaps they have a point.


Lutz: While Germany is not without its problems regarding violence by young thugs, by all accounts it's nowhere as near as severe as in the UK. In fact, the news media over here seem to revel in exposing the uncouth knife swinging mobs as symptomatic of the moral downfall of the UK'

Yes, we have experienced a moral downfall - but if the frenzy of knife crime is indicative of *anything*, it's indicative of the folly of mass immigration.

Look up over the bleeding bodies, past the degenerate youths prancing their 'victory' steps, and look instead at *who* has engineered mass immigration, *who* encourages it, *who* profits from it, and *who* has long term plans to ruin the UK utterly and completely.

Then, blame *them* for the destruction that has overwhelmed us.


Germany can soon be changed to have the same problems as the UK and elsewhere in Euope. Is that not fairness under some EU Dictat? all you need is the same ethnic mix sent your way Lutz and you'll be on an EU approved par;-)

It could also benefit integration if Germany proved that their was no racial element to the problems.

In the spirit of European Brothership what's holding Germany back. Britain does not want the EU and Constitution and Germany does, so share Britains problems and show how EU brothership could work :0)
Jan 19, 2008
It doesn't need the brain of Einstein to know why there's moral decline in this country Lutz. I'm not going to start going over the same ground, it's been done a thousand times before in this forum but the simple reason, due to politically correct nerds and human rights plonkers, there is no punishment for children who do wrong at an early age until they die of old age.

There is simply NO PUNISHMENT that fits the wrong doing. Parents are actually scared of their kids here, scared that even threatening the child with a tap on the leg will bring the nerds knocking on the door.

If any kid smashes a neighbours windows for example, and anyone thinks that no playstation for the next two nights is punishment wants to see a shrink. Kids have no fear today of authority, why should they. Punishment of our own kids has been taken out of our hands by the nanny state. They don't fear parents, teachers, police, the law. The only thing they fear is those of their own age.

The only thing that will turn things around is parenting to be returned to the parents although we have now missed a generation of those who haven't the skills because the states taken over. George Orwell was right only he got the years wrong, he was too premature. Sadly it hasn't finished yet because the un-elected despots in Brussels want a super state and the lapdog in Downing St. will go along with it.
Jan 19, 2008
Lutz: While Germany is not without its problems regarding violence by young thugs, by all accounts it's nowhere as near as severe as in the UK. In fact, the news media over here seem to revel in exposing the uncouth knife swinging mobs as symptomatic of the moral downfall of the UK'

Yes, we have experienced a moral downfall - but if the frenzy of knife crime is indicative of *anything*, it's indicative of the folly of mass immigration.

Look up over the bleeding bodies, past the degenerate youths prancing their 'victory' steps, and look instead at *who* has engineered mass immigration, *who* encourages it, *who* profits from it, and *who* has long term plans to ruin the UK utterly and completely.

Then, blame *them* for the destruction that has overwhelmed us.
Well said Selwyn. It's hard getting through to some people but keep persevering ;O)


Well if the EU gets its way LB and Brussels gains more power we will all be in a real "super STATE" ;8)


Well said Selwyn. It's hard getting through to some people but keep persevering ;O)
I believe that I am noted for my persistance, Lord B. At school, I was not known as 'The Mule' merely for my inordinately large hands, you know.......

As the darkness deepens and fear increasingly fills the wasteland, more and more Prophets can be heard declaring, 'Prepare Ye the way of the National Socialist Party"
Dec 5, 2006
Brown and most MPS are not living on this planet.Thay have bodygards 24/7 what do thay know about living in the real world. As for Jaqui smith her mother still changes her nappey every day (silly little girl).

To stop all the killing going on bring back hanging and have a death row like the US.
Rather bring back national service, send the poor lamb's to the front line in Helmand c.o. Afganistan or heaven forbid they end up on the front lines in Iraq, then see how brave they are!
Mar 14, 2005
It does seem weird though that the problem woth carrying knives is less over here although corporal punishment of any sort is treated as seriously as any other act of violence. How a UK problem can be blamed on the EU is therefore totally absurd.
Jan 19, 2008
Sorry Lutz, you don't seem to have been inwardly digesting the posts and grasping the alternative views of those who live among it. Myself and many others have posted numerous times one of the reasons, mass migration. If we weren't members of the E.U. would we have this problem? I'll leave you to work that out.

You say quote ... "the news media over here seem to revel in exposing the uncouth knife swinging mobs as symptomatic of the moral downfall of the UK".

Is it any wonder they are revelling and gloating, no doubt so are the French. Is it any wonder that the British will never feel part of Europe? What is happening now, only politically, is what Germany and France have been trying to do for centuries, bring Britain to it's knees. We no longer have Wellingtons, Nelsons or Churchills, in their place we have a Brown and his lackey's, people who have the moral backbone of jellyfish.

We have an indigenous population that have been watered down by peoples, who like Brown, have no love or loyalty for this country, all they want is to milk it dry. I'm not only talking of the millions that have come since this party came into power in 1997 but the immigrants who have come since the 50s whose offspring don't have loyalty to this country, preferring to show that to the Indian sub-continent and their religion. I must add that not all immigrants from the 50s are like this, some have integrated nicely and feel rightly that this is their home.

A local cemetry is home to lots of immigrants who camp out there and use a corner of the site as a toilet. This is in the city centre. The whole area stinks. They use headstones as tables and seating and the place is littered with bottles and cans because they start drinking as soon as they wake. My son rang the police about it and after listening to his complaint they asked "What do you want us to do about it?"

We are paying for these lowlives from other countries, other countries misfits and alcoholics. This isn't an isolated incident, it's happening over most of the country. Even if they kick them out, which they won't, they can still re-enter the country the following day. Not only that but if they have done a weeks work while in this country they can claim unemployment benefit even if they go back where they came from because they have paid taxes into the "system".

They can also claim for dependents who live in the country they come from.

Nothing to do with the E.U. but just pee's people of as bad is that a muslim immigrant can be legally married to four wives, not that I wish to, one is enough, but if I did the same I'd be locked up for longer than if I'd committed GBH. But the icing on the cake is the said immigrant can then claim benefits for ALL of his wives. There are many, many instances of the unfairness to the indigenous population. Lutz, please don't use the old chestnut that it is our own fault because our benefits system is so generous, our benefits system is controlled by those who control most of our lives these days, corrupt Brussels.

This is only the tip of the iceberg and it's ok for one person on this forum to cry racist but living in Aberdeen he hasn't experienced it yet but their time is coming.

Without interference from the continent, hence if we were not members of the E.U. Britain would be doing just fine like we have in the past. Now do you understand why we blame the E.U.

No borders so we have to accept the E.U.s scum because this country, again because of E.U. dictats, have to accept them. Again some E.U. countries don't play by the rules if they don't suit, like Italy again, if they don't want them, even from the E.U. they are not let in plus most countries have a quota of how many immigrants are allowed.
Mar 14, 2005
... what Germany and France have been trying to do for centuries, bring Britain to it's knees - Do you honestly believe that either France or Germany of today have anything to gain by doing that? If the UK played a more active constructive role in the EU any plan, if there was any, wouldn't have a chance anyway.

My son rang the police about it and after listening to his complaint they asked "What do you want us to do about it?" - I suppose that is the fault of the EU too?

our benefits system is controlled by those who control most of our lives these days, corrupt Brussels What makes you believe that Brussels has any say in the level of benefits within each country?

It makes me sick when national governments take the credit for anything positive that the EU has has achieved and everything negative is blamed on Brussels. It may be good to keep the electorate happy but it's just loathsome.
Jan 19, 2008
what Germany and France have been trying to do for centuries, bring Britain to it's knees - Do you honestly believe that either France or Germany of today have anything to gain by doing that? If the UK played a more active constructive role in the EU any plan, if there was any, wouldn't have a chance anyway.

You've already mentioned about the gloating in Germany about the moral decline of Britain Lutz. Britain plays a large part in the E.U. not taking into account we are one of the biggest payers into it but we also support Eastern Europe. We have a wet P.M. who would kiss anyones a*se to look after his future and a plumb E.U. job after he's turfed out of Downing St. No doubt when Turkey enter and theres a new E.U. defence force we will be the biggest payers into that and I don't just mean financially, I mean by fighting units.

My son rang the police about it and after listening to his complaint they asked "What do you want us to do about it?" - I suppose that is the fault of the EU too?

Political correctness and human rights Lutz, their hands are tied. They will be accused of racism. It's the E.U.s fault with the "no borders" policy so yes, I do blame the E.U.

our benefits system is controlled by those who control most of our lives these days, corrupt Brussels What makes you believe that Brussels has any say in the level of benefits within each country?

I didn't say the amount Lutz, I said who it is paid to, like those who no longer live here or those with dependents back in their own countries. Why should British tax payers pay for kids in Eastern Europe or unemployment benefit to those who no longer live here?

As you see Lutz, without the dictats from Brussels we would do nicely, let the rest of Europe take in those who have no intention of working and to live off benefits while going about the only business they know like child trafficking, counterfeiting, drugs or money laundering.
Mar 14, 2005
If all that you say is true, then why isn't the situation in other EU countries as bad? And don't say it's because other countries ignore EU directives and only the UK obides by them. That's just another myth to blame the EU for everything that goes wrong. It's a home-grown problem, so don't go wailing to Brussels about it.


Is Lutz a politician (that's not meant as an insult Lutz) or thinking of standing for political office. Sometimes his posts reflect the apolitical edgy replies and responses of seasoned politicians.

ie - only see what they want to see when reading and then come up with fanciful twee responses based on idyllic PC life scenarios, in need of serious reality check.

No one is saying that the EU is the direct cause for of UK social problems, but the EU rules that are inflicted on the UK do carry a lot of blame for what happens.

LB has summed up pretty fairly. UK problems differ from other EU countries and theirs differ to the UK's, UK has issues related to commonwealth and empire and the wet's approach that UK has to take in any waif or stray.

EU Brussels meddling along with other member states meddling about laws and rules that may be fine for their situation but not for all other countries situations is a criminal level of incompetence and poor understanding.

To quote Lutz - "In fact, the news media over here seem to revel in exposing the uncouth knife swinging mobs as symptomatic of the moral downfall of the UK compared to the relative quiet in this country"

Germany making comment on life and social conditions that it has no direct experience of and its politicians pushing for EU blanket rules to cover all. German media would also do well to remember before commenting on UK Moral's that Germany was responsible for the UK's economic burden it caused with war.

If Germany has fewer problems and is so smart Lutz, then they should share and take on the same problems as the UK or other states or accept that one set of EU rules is not fit for all.

I'm now an ethnic minority again, on route for Rouen and home south to wife, family and German, Dutch and French neighbours, and we all get on great. Have a grand summer or what is left of it ;)
Jan 19, 2008
Again Lutz, apologies for shouting but .... MASS IMMIGRATION. It is the indigenous population that is now becoming the "disenfranchised". This is breeding hatred which is making ultra right wing parties look the only hope of salvation from the mess we are in for some on the lower scale of income.
Jan 19, 2008
Quote .. "Is Lutz a politician (that's not meant as an insult Lutz) or thinking of standing for political office. Sometimes his posts reflect the apolitical edgy replies and responses of seasoned politicians".

It does make one wonder because he is full of politico speak and no Lutz, neither is that meant to be an insult but it's as you come over. How many more times do people have to give the reasons why? How many more times do you not give a direct answer but skirt around the question? How many more times must you tell us we are all wrong but still don't give us your reasoning where we go wrong and how we can rectify the situation?
Mar 14, 2005
Let's face it, if certain countries, not just the UK, but also Portugal, Spain, and above all, France, hadn't been on a binge of exploitation and colonisation in past centuries, they probably wouldn't be in the mess they are in now regarding immigration. It's a bit steep to expect a modern institution like the EU to help out of liabilities of the past. That's the price for what was done yesteryear.
Jan 19, 2008
Neither should we have to pay for our past Lutz. The past is the past. Did Germany or Japan pay reparations for their past? No. Because the powers that be didn't want the same to happen again as happened after the First World War after the signing of the armistice in the forest (forget which one).

Germany and Japan started with a clean slate, something that wasn't afforded to Britain, we had to pay and have only in recent times finished paying the Americans for Lend Lease so you can see we have been paying for yesteryear Lutz although through no fault of Britain.

Are we to pay millions in compensation to Africans for sending their ancestors into slavery? This apologist government of ours would only be pleased to if they had proof of a legitimate claim.

BTW, just jog my memory, didn't Germany have colonies in west and east Africa up until 1918. I believe they also, as part of the German Empire, had many islands in the Pacific like Samoa, Solomons and the Mariannas?

You say quote ... "It's a bit steep to expect a modern institution like the EU to help out of liabilities of the past".

Aren't we, as E.U. members helping other members out of their liabilities of the past? What about the former Soviet Bloc countries, doesn't that count having to pour billions into their countries economies to clean up the pollution and start with a new economic base. Was it our fault that they chose Socialism? So why are we, following your edict, having to pay for our past?
Mar 14, 2005
By paying the price of the past, I did actually mean it literally in monetary terms, but the problems associated with immigration. If money alone would solve the problem of knife-carrying youths in the UK, I'm sure Brussels would come up with cash (whether it would be enough is another question), but the issue is much deeper than that. Besides, the UK government would probably pat themselves on the back for any EU funds placed at their disposal.

BTW, I don't exclude Germany from any self-inflicted blame regarding colonisation, although Germany came on to the scene very late, too late to make much of an impact (very much like Belgium, too), and they disappeared again very quickly after the First World War. We therefore haven't had to take on many immigrants from far-flung corners of an ex-empire but we do have close to 2 million Turks and over 700,000 from the various ex-Yugoslav republics.
Mar 13, 2007
hi all.

I was not going to contirbute to this tread but thought some of the inconsistancies warranted it, the only reason so called knife crime in on the incease is because it is blown up out of all proportion by the tabliod press in order to gain senseationalism and whip up a public feeding frenzy that diverts attention from the real issues. and force the government into knee jerk reactions that are not carried through by the judges or the police in a similar way that the dangerious dogs legislation was handled.

the carrying of knives is not such a big isssue parsay but the using of them, like guns, carry one ok, use it and expect a sever sentance the legislation is there allready to handle this.

when I was a boy we all carried knives all the time but cannot remember anyone getting stabbed, also we all were in a gang that met up on saturday morings it was called the SCOUTS ??

dib, dib, dob, dob.

As for the flogg'em and hang'em brigade be careful what you wish for, sounds more like chile than brittan please remember not all conviced murderers are guilty.some are set up some are poorly served by the justice system "hang them all" and it is too late to say sorry later. remember these names and cases.

the guildford four, the birmingham six, stevan kisco, derek bentley, to mention just a few and what about the guy (sorry I can't recall his name just now) served 40years in jail for a murder he didn't do. the forensic evidence that could have cleared him was "lost" for over 30 years in a cellar somewhere.

yes he could have got parole after 12 years inside but in order to get it he would have to admit his guilt, and would not do it.

it was only after the program "rough justice" investigated his case that he was given a free pardon. far far too late but better than being hung.

Jan 6, 2008
Keep going on about human rights for these people that kill others.

If you kill someone you human rights are forfit.

What about the poor persons human rights thats just been killed?

Jan 19, 2008
Hey, ya ol' yorkshire tyke, I'm sorry to piddle on your following comment, quote .." the only reason so called knife crime in on the incease is because it is blown up out of all proportion by the tabliod press in order to gain senseationalism and whip up a public feeding frenzy".

Official government statistics, released two days ago, are that there is a stabbing in the U.K. every four minutes.

These are from reported incidents and are not counting stabbings by those of under 16 because amazingly these aren't monitored.


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