Sink Drainage Trivia.

Mar 14, 2005
I'm a little embarrassed at posting this - shows I'm a bit sad. I've discovered that the ribbed plastic hose that I use to connect between the outlet of the van and the grey water container fits neatly into the smaller sized standard domestic waste fittings. I used Marley fittings from B&Q. My device greatly speeds up connection to waste, doesn't fall off the outlet and does not impede flow. You need two T-shaped push-fit fittings, some straight pipe and an end stop. I used 2 very short lengths, about 2 inches, of the grey hose. I pushed these into the bottom of each T. The tops of the Ts' are then connected together using straight pipe so that the two pieces of grey hose aligns with the two outlets from the caravan. I then fitted a stop to one end and more grey hose of sufficient length to connect to the waste container into the other. I find it works really well. Not a bad improvement for about £2 and 20mins work.
Aug 22, 2005
Hi Chris,

That sounds great advice I'll get onto it. In the meantime though I found a new product called Drainfresh which cleans that ribbed plastic hose fantastically, at last there is something that will do it on the market. The smells have been driving us mad for ages. Why on earth don't they use smooth bore flexible pipe????? Thanks for that info, don't be embarrassed!

Mar 14, 2005
Thanks for tip Chris. A week end project for me. It will take the week end as DiY of any description is virtually beyond me. As regards the ribbed waste pipe apparently it is used as it is very flexible and doesn't squash if passed through tight bends. Having had a similar problem with smells from the waste pipe I contacted a local mobile caravan "engineer" to replace the pipe with smooth bore. He advised against this for the reason above but did provide for me a "waste trap" a smaller version of a U bend in a domestic system. These are designed for caravans and can be bought off the shelf in caravan dealers. Mine is fitted horizontaly about 2 inches from the actual plug in the sink. The idea is that it hold water and therefore stops smells coming back up the pipe. I have used it once todate and it seems to work. It is relatively cheap kust a couple of quid and can be fitted by any owner, myself apart. The trap does open to clean it when required I should also add that I have just taken delivery if a litre of Drainfresh - so hopefully I now have a belt and braces solution.
Mar 14, 2005
Have a look at I bought mine direct from the supplier via the internet. It is not cheap and may be available for caravan shops at a lesser price, but if it works I am happy to pay this price.
Mar 14, 2005
A potential problem of joining the twin outlets is that one will serve sind and wash basin and the other serve the shower. Since the first two are much higher than the shower, there is a risk of blowback into the shower tray, particularly if you pull the plug on a full sink.

Either leave the plugs out in sink and WHB or use two separate hoses into the waste container.
Mar 14, 2005
HI, I've never used seperate pipes going into my wastemaster. I've always used a y-piece into one pipe. My gizmo works fine and because of the way it goes together it produces a very smooth flow into the waste and no uphill gradients!!
Aug 29, 2005
Hi Clubman, Good idea about water trap, but what do you do in the winter when everything freezes. Allan
Mar 14, 2005
Watch this space and I will let you know! but seriously there is a "trap" door, no pun intended, in the bottom of the trap that will allow you to drain of any water and also remove any debris that may have built up


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