Site reviews

Mar 14, 2005
There are many requests on here asking what a certain site is like, is it ok etc. Most of these sites can be found on which not only gives information on the site but usually has reviews by people who have used it. Its usually worth having a look before you book but its also worth remembering that these are just someones opinion and what suits them may be hell for you. Does anyone know of any other good websites for site information? Jim.
Feb 17, 2007
As well as the various guides and opinions of others I like to check out any site using the aerial view provided by or google mapping which can be revealing. The 'photos on some web sites can be very flattering.

Mike E
Mar 14, 2005
I agree Michael! I would like to see a review section on this forum - I think the collective opinions of members would prove useful in many ways. Maybe a tick-box system?

Dec 16, 2003
Apart from a general view of what sites offer.

They change depending on time of year and who is visiting.

We have found that the best way to judge a site is look at what it offers and go and find out and even then a good site has been let down on another visit due to different campers or even different workers on the site.

We've been told how great a site is and made a swift exit when visiting ourselves numerous times.
Mar 14, 2005
with regard to the premier club in the UK you can without exception go to their sites and be guaranteed

1 - A pitch even at BH and peak times (providing you have pre-booked)

2 - That the grounds and facilities are immaculate

3 - That the staff are selected and trained to maintain the standards required

4 - The club are in the forefront with regard to Health and Safety matters in all areas.

5- the club operates a CL chain and inspects and liscences CL owners.

6 - the club allows non-members to stay at most of the sites in the chain.

7 - The CC does make profits and after operatiing costs, salaries and taxes have been all monies are ploughed back into the club, which is as it should be

IMHO the CC is the best club of its kind in the world and long may it be in that position
Jul 15, 2005

You are right - a review section is a great idea - but you need to "weight" the reviews by the (probably unknown to you) needs of the reviewer. Were they looking for a quiet site, or did they need to entertain a family? and so on.

Since I work in Rotterdam (and live in the UK), over half of my work colleagues have a caravan - as do over 25% of all Dutch families - so the Dutch review sites are pretty knowledgeable.

On the sweeping assumption that you don't speak Dutch, which cuts you out from the excellent VVV and ANWB sites, you can still look at the independent ACSI review site - it's available (for free) in most European languages and covers the whole of Europe. is the web-site for the ACSI reviews, and covers 500+ UK camp sites

Likewise the ADAC web-site for a German point of view.

But when I arrive (or if mentioned on the camp site brochure or web-site) I always look out for the VVV, ANWB, ACSI, or ADAC "seal of approval"

Apr 9, 2005
For Europe I use this site

Then translate the reviews using this site


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