You are right - a review section is a great idea - but you need to "weight" the reviews by the (probably unknown to you) needs of the reviewer. Were they looking for a quiet site, or did they need to entertain a family? and so on.
Since I work in Rotterdam (and live in the UK), over half of my work colleagues have a caravan - as do over 25% of all Dutch families - so the Dutch review sites are pretty knowledgeable.
On the sweeping assumption that you don't speak Dutch, which cuts you out from the excellent VVV and ANWB sites, you can still look at the independent ACSI review site - it's available (for free) in most European languages and covers the whole of Europe.
www.eurocampings.net is the web-site for the ACSI reviews, and covers 500+ UK camp sites
Likewise the ADAC web-site for a German point of view.
But when I arrive (or if mentioned on the camp site brochure or web-site) I always look out for the VVV, ANWB, ACSI, or ADAC "seal of approval"