Sites with direct water access for boating & fishing

Jun 28, 2007
We're about to take the plunge and switch from tent to caravan.

We also have a folding sailing / rowing / motoring dinghy that goes onto the car roof, and I like to try and get in some fly fishing if the kids are otherwise occupied.

While the guides I've looked at indicate whether fishing or boating may be available they do not specify type of fishing or whether there is direct access to the water. Many sites listed as being beside a lake may actually be some distance from it or separated by a busy road so therefore not suitable for dinghy launching.

So far, through camping or static van rental we have found locations at Ullswater (Pooley Bridge), Coniston and Loch Lomond. All of these through extensive research or previous knowledge. Keswick on Derwent Water sounds promising so is high on our list of future destinations.

Would much appreciate any information that might help extend our range of potential destinations.




Mar 26, 2008

We've just returned from one of our many trips to the C&CC site at Keswick and can confirm that it does have direct and free access to the north end of Derwent Water.

A short tarmac road leads from the site on to the 'beach', which in turn gives easy access to the lake (which is very shallow at first).

Once pitched, there would not be a problem with you driving through the site and offloading your dinghy within carrying distance of the lake, or you may be able to secure a pitch close enough to the water to carry your boat straight there (which is how we get our canoe to the water).

The lake is very popular for sailing, windsurfing, canoeing and the use of small engines is also permitted.

Although I have seen people fishing from both boats and shore, I have never actually seen anyone using a fly rod and can't offer any advice on fish stocks or licence requirements for Derwent Water.

The site itself is perfectly positioned for access to the the northern fells and it's only 10 minutes gentle stroll into Keswick centre with all of it's shopping facilities and family friendly pubs, so tends to be very popular and usually needs to be booked early,

Jun 28, 2007
Many thanks L.B. / Ken

Keswick definitely seems to have most of what we want - even found the local angling club from the link L.B.


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