In theory the freesat card is coded to the digibox that you are using, but as always its not quite that simple!
When you buy the card & then receive it, to "initialise" the card you have to put the card into an operational Sky or Sky compatable box that is both switched on & connected to a dish (in other words operational) then phone Sky on the number they provide with the docs that come with the card, you then have to enter your home phone number, this is so that Sky can identify what part of the country you come from so that when they initialise the card you will get your regions ITV & BBC etc.
They will ask you to press the services button & then option 4 "System Set Up" then option 5 "System Details" they will ask you the make of the box, the model number, version number & serial number (all these come up on the screen) then you will have to leave the box switched on & the card in it whilst they send a signal via satelite to initialise the card (all this to get the scrambled free to air channels such as channels 4 & 5, although I'm told that channel 4 is no longer scrambled!)
Whilst you've got these details on screen, note them down on the backing paper that your card came stuck too & always take this with you whenever you go away in the van, I'll tell you why in a bit.
Once the card is initialised you can now use it in ANY Sky digi box!
Now here's what Sky don't tell you, You HAVE to use the card at least once a month, if you don't, you "loose" the scrambled channels & you have to go through all the initialisation rigmarole once again! Just tell them you've been on holiday & yu've "lost" channel 5.
Thats why you need jot down the info that you gave then to originaly initialise the card & if you've got the card in a different box, you use the original info all over again, because if you give them different info they won't re initialise the card for you! I tried once but even when I told them that it was a replacement box they said I'd have to buy a new card!!!!!!
I hope all this make sense.