What are these for?!! On Wednesday morning I was joining the M1 northbound at junction 28 (near Alfreton0. There were about 6 or 7 cars spaced out along the slip road, and then the first one stopped. The lights were red and the front driver had spotted them. I was impressed! I hadn't spotted them as I was doing what you are supposed to do on slip roads, judging the traffic on the Motorway, and keeping my eye on the car in front. Anyway we all duly stopped for about 30 seconds. The lights went green and off we went except instead of 6 or 7 well spaced cars joining the M1 there were now about 9 cars in a lump! What was the point of this? There had been a nasty smash on the SOUTHBOUND carriageway just before J28, so northbound traffic was a bit slower due to rubbernecking but not that much.
Can anyone enlighten me.
Can anyone enlighten me.