smashed window

Mar 30, 2007
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just went to open the windows on our caravan, which is parked directly behind our house in ful view of our kitchen window, when we noticed that some mindless idiots have put a large chunk of tarmac through the big window at the front of the van, thankfully, nothing was taken, there was no attempt of a break-in, so what was the point?
Aug 29, 2006
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Hello Julie

Hope there is no damage inside the caravan.

Just shows what mindless idiots there are on our streets.

What enjoyment is there to be had causing damage to other peoples property.

Jan 19, 2008
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Just sheer wanton hooliganism. Unless they are destroying something, and that can be from smashing your caravan, ripping up flower borders or covering everywhere with spray paint, they aren't having a laugh and enjoying themselves.

What it needs is armed vigilante patrols and to shoot on sight ;O)

They are just plain sick in the head, braindead lowlives. It's possible to see more intelligent life crawling out of toilet bowls ... hehheh!

Rant over and feeling better but I wouldn't think Julie is.
May 12, 2006
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Sounds like Local People did this damage.

You could ask someone quietly do they know who did it?? maybe offer a small reward. Then either confront the parents with a legal letter,or ask the local police to have a word.

Val & Frank
Mar 30, 2007
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we called the police as soon as we found it, but they said that there wasn,t much chance of catching who ever did it, but i don,t feel safe leaving the leaving the van where it is, so i was thinking of putting it in storage, but there are no guarantees that the van would be secure even in storage, so we,l just have to leave the van where it is and hope nothing like this happens again

my husband and i are bloody furious (sorry for swearing), but we work hard for what we,ve got, as a lot of other people do and to have someone vandalise your property makes my blood boil.
we called the police as soon as we found it, but they said that there wasn,t much chance of catching who ever did it, but i don,t feel safe leaving the leaving the van where it is, so i was thinking of putting it in storage, but there are no guarantees that the van would be secure even in storage, so we,l just have to leave the van where it is and hope nothing like this happens again

my husband and i are bloody furious (sorry for swearing), but we work hard for what we,ve got, as a lot of other people do and to have someone vandalise your property makes my blood boil.
We had a similar problem on a caravan site in the Lake District when our tail light was smashed by some idiots. We think we know who did it and we left a note on their caravan saying in no uncertain terms that we would take the matter to the police unless they paid for the damage. The money was not forthcoming. We haven't had any damage since however, so maybe this guilt tactic has worked. The caravanners in question gave us some bacon later, so we took this to be an admission of guilt!!!!!


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