smelly awning, smelly van, need a fridge - apart from that ev...

Sep 14, 2007
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hello! not sure if I'm posting in right forum, apologies if not. Just a couple of questions if you don't mind - don't think I need the technical forum, a bit of been-there-done-that advice should fix it (hopefully!!!)

we've just bought an old ABI Monza (possibly 1985, not sure) as a tooth cutter van. we bought it from Ebay having been told it wasn't damp and it's not, now....but it's got all the battle scars of having been damp at some point. However, we're only planning on keeping it for a year or so and it's water tight now (please god) so I'm looking at more cosmetic stuff...

we need a fridge. the manual indicates it originally had an Electrolux RM122B fridge but these seem to be the proverbial hens-teeth. as long as it fits in the fridge hole, can I use another brand/model?

Also the van is smelly - but not damp smelly, more like old man smelly - or old books, sort of fusty. Not horrendous now the wife's aired and febreezed the cushions and the carpet's coming out soon (which should help) but does anyone have any miracle cures?

The awning's in its bag and we've not had a chance to have it out yet but it STINKS - of damp, definately damp. To tell the truth I'm slightly terrified to get it out, for fear of what state its in....anyway, assuming it is manky and mouldy and nasty....what can I clean it with and will I need/how do I re-proof it?

that's it for now I think, going away for the first time at the end of the month - can't wait, with or without fridge, with or without clean non-stinky awning...come hell or high water, no matter what we're taking to the open road and none of us can wait!!!! woohoo!!! It's going to be so great...I can see myself now, lord of my van, beer in hand, the wife transformed into some sort of Nigella Lawson/Kelly brooke hybrid, 3 angelic kids sleeping soundly in their beds.......aaaahhhhhhhh!!

I digress, any advice would be great - please don't rain on my parade, I have a job I despise, 3 evil kids a fairly evil wife (but I never said that, right?!) no money and no prospects...this damp smelly caravan is all I have......PLEASE be kind!!! Thanks a lot Jon (Van Lord)
Sep 14, 2007
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B&B??!!!! Never!!! I'm a caravanner now, I'm even thinking about getting a special hilarious caravan slogan-ed T-shirt for when I'm towing....I am THAT serious about caravanning, my friend. apart from the B&B idea - no tips for the old-man smell and the manky awning? The nigella lawson/Kelly brook/can of lager/Lord of all the mouldiness I survey is a bloody seductive thought though isn't it??? admit it...
Aug 25, 2006
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TBH Jonathon,

If the awnings damp and smelly BIN IT, as mould spores can be highly dangerous for your families health.

You will pick something up on e-bay for a pittance which will be a better bet.

Regarding a fridge,why not see if you can find a free-standing 2 or 3-way fridge which you can then use in the awning of your next van?

As for the smell, it does sound (?) like damp and I think you`re stuck with it.
May 4, 2005
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If the awning stinks and it has been in the van then the van will stink also. I went in my van once to be greated with the musty damp smell. After initial panic, it's only 3 and a bit years old I realised it was the ground sheet that was given off the smell and after a good clean, gave the kids the hosepipe and told them it's was a game, all was well .

Hope your wife doesn't get Nigella Lawson's figure and Kelly Brooke's cooking skills like mine did ;O)

Brian (",)
Sep 14, 2007
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In the Van Lord fantasy that keeps me going while I'm stuck in my crappy office where I'm overseen by the boss from Hell, the Nigella/Kelly ratio is real life I fear the ratio is more (cookery)clarissa dickson wright/(gorgeousness) carole Thatcher - but I try not to dwell too long on thoughts of that horrific combination. Since I have no other options I'm choosing to go for the 'smelly awning being stored in a rough diamond of a van' theory, so thanks for keeping my light at the end of the tunnel burning. Can I really not scrub the awning with one of those cleaners I've seen at the camping shop? would that not do it? it's supposed to only be a couple of years old and therefore too good to bin(but then the van was supposed to have been a damp free paradise on wheels)
May 4, 2005
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If it's fairly new it's certainly worth giving it a clean.

May I suggest the Nigella /Kelly lots of water method and if you need a hand I'm able to watch on Wednesdays ;O)

All the best with the caravan dream but I fear reality may come as a shock.
Sep 14, 2007
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The soon to be shattered Nigella/Kelly idea will no doubt leave me suicidal but I'm still hopeful for the rest of it (discounting also the 3 angelic kids bit and the dodgy smell)I'm still hopeful that we'll have some great trips in our van. Like I said, it's a tooth cutter, we tried tenting and suffice to say I'd rather have spent 2 days on an enforced paper-clip counting inventory weekend at work. I'm working to the theory that the van is what it is, not luxurious but serviceable. but i refuse to give up on my dream...anyway, I'll be able to let you know in a couple of weeks...Thanks for your offer of supervision for the Kelly/Nigella soap fest, I'll keep you posted but I've given it a lot of thought (really A LOT of thought)and I think I can handle the health and safety/loosening clothing/heimlich manoevre aspect, Thanks though - I always suspected caravanning people were helpful and your generous offer of supervision has proved that. just keep your fingers crossed for us for next weekend!
May 10, 2007
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If any potential sources for the smell have been removed and the caravan cleaned, try leaving a strong scented plug in device running in the van.

Wash the awning off with soap and water, detergent is not advisable. If the awning has any mould you can try using a spray cleaner that removes shower and bathroom mould prior to washing, the sprays have a bleach content so you must work fast and wash away with copious ammounts of water before the bleach attacks

the fabric.

Feb 26, 2007
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These are web sites which I have kept a note of....but know nothing about them.You might find them useful:-

We have always liked using Fenwicks for cleaning the 'van,and I notice that they do Awning & Gazebo Cleaner ( have no idea ,as we've never used it )

You might also find it handy to get hold of a Towsure brochure and browse through that. Hope that you enjoy your new hobby.

Sep 14, 2007
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thanks so much for all your advice. We took today off to make a start on the awning and wouldn't you know's raining!!! Looks like Saturday is our only rain free window of opportunity. I assume once we're cleaned it we can spread it out in the garage to dry? (I'm Kelly by the way, jon's wife)this is a fab site - I've found the forums completely addictive, I sit down to look for advice about something specific, get instantly side tracked and before I know it an hour has passed. We're away next weekend for our first foray - we're just going about an hour up the road but if anyone's interested I'll let you know how it goes (no doubt it'll uncover loads of things I need advice/help with too!!!) thanks a lot - Kelly (not Brooke,unfortunately - but then, Jon's no Alan Titchmarsh so it seems we both have our crosses to bear!!)
May 18, 2006
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Have you thought about feeding the awning through the van rail and letting it hang next to the van. You can wash it there and it will drain easily. It might be an idea to put up the awning for a few days to let it breath and if it rains it will get washed for free.

I think you have nothing to loose by washing it with a mild soap.

As for the smell in the van - agan get as much fresh air through as possible.


Sep 14, 2007
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Hello - it's Kely again, Jon's wife - thanks for all your advice, I'm almost looking forward to getting the awning out and tackling it tomorrow!!! I'm being dim I'm sure but i'm a couple of glasses of red down so please bear with me!! when you say to wash with soap and not detergent, do you mean soap soap (like the saop bars you wash your hand with) or soap like soap flakes (that you wash clothes with) or soap - like fairy liquid that you wash dishes with? Like I said - sorry for my dimness, its late I'm tired and a bit emotional (possibly tiddly, who knows - lets call it emotional though!)


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Kelly,

After you have cleaned the awning and it has dried, use Fabsil to reproof it.

It is available in spray or liquid form, I would suggest liquid is better as you can ensure you cover the whole awning without wasting loads, and if its windy, Fabsil tastes awful if you get it in your face as the wind blows the spray about!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Jonathan/Kelly if the worst comes to the worst rather than go back on e-bay get a copy of the local Free-Ads as there is always caravan and caravan related equipment for sale in there no matter what part of the country you live. Also have a look at the top of this forum under the heading "BUYING" as there is often awnings for sale in this section. Good luck with your first venture - just hope every thing goes smooth for you and the family. Now for the moan - what is wrong with Carol Thatcher - personally I think she is an attractive, amusing and friendly lady and I have a lot of respect for her - probably a run off from the the same respect I had for her mother.
Sep 14, 2007
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Hi colin (again) I seem to have got off on the totally wrong foot with you!! I like Mrs T too, as for our comments about Ms T - they weren't meant with any malice. She is funny and feisty and I don't dislike her - as a caravan washing buddy Jon would prefer Kelly Brooke, as someone to come round and sit with me in the garden with a Pimms she'd be more than welcome. I am a nice person honest!! Kelly x
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi colin (again) I seem to have got off on the totally wrong foot with you!! I like Mrs T too, as for our comments about Ms T - they weren't meant with any malice. She is funny and feisty and I don't dislike her - as a caravan washing buddy Jon would prefer Kelly Brooke, as someone to come round and sit with me in the garden with a Pimms she'd be more than welcome. I am a nice person honest!! Kelly x
As a male I am sure your husband would prefer for him to be sitting with Kelly Brook and you do the cleaning hehehe
Sep 14, 2007
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As a male I am sure your husband would prefer for him to be sitting with Kelly Brook and you do the cleaning hehehe
ha ha!! absolutely - mind you if he gets to go off and ply Kelly Brooke with Black Tower can I have Alan Titchmarsh in a pair of marigolds manning the Fairy non-bio with me please?!!
Sep 14, 2007
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Hi everyone - an update on the smelly awning. We got the awning out of the van (it was a struggle, apparently awnings are really heavy - that's the impression I got from Jon anyway...) Anyway, got it in the garden, opened it out and there isn't any mould!!! woohoo!!! none I can see anyway, no real dirt of any kind - no mud, nothing much. But it IS smelly, we've only managed to have it out in the garden for about 48 hours, then it started raining and our forecast isn't much better for the a while so....I was there somewhere I can take it to get it cleaned professionally? cowards way out I know but it's massive (and a funny shape and smelly and heavy....)


Mar 14, 2005
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Kelly, if there is no mould, then the smell will disperse with a good airing, and if you can put the awning up at home, the rain will help too!!

There are very few places, if any, that will attempt to clean an awning, but if you use a non detergent washing powder, something like Fairy, it will clean the fabric but not drastically affect the waterproofing.

It would still be wise to reproof though, after washing.
Sep 14, 2007
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Hi damian, thanks for the advice, I know I have to get the soap and scrubbing brushes soner or later out but I'm basically a lazy creature so if a bit of light rain and then fine weather will help I'm a happy bunny - the forecast is for rain tomorrow then 3 days of sunshine!!! must be my lucky week. have formulated a cunning plan - no room on the drive to attach the awning to the van so I thought we could clamp (with some of Jon's DIY snippy-snappy clamp things) to the garden fence then put the poles in the awning and set it up as if it were attached to the van - then the rain/wind/sunshine could work its magic (maybe) I'm pathetically excited because this is the first thing with the van that seems not to be as horrendous as I first thought!! the horrible smell in the van has all but disappeared now too (since the awning's come out) and since everything else is as clean as a whistle I'm hoping that the new carpet next week will fix the last of the whiff for good. starting to breathe a bit easier now....!


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