So I have a new neighbour.......

Mar 14, 2005
that seems like a really nice guy- moved into the house opposite at the weekend. We live on a fairly narrow road and he has started to park opposite our drive- although his own drive remains empty.

Thing is- his parking means that I need to do a 38 point turn to reverse in/out of my own drive! Don't want to go over there in his first week to ask him not to park there and look like a bad neighbour! But then again I do want it sorted! Any tactful suggestions of what to say? Otherwise it will be fun when I get the van from storage tomorrow and take it home to load up!
Mar 14, 2005

Our van is in storage at our parents and for years they have had a similar problem with the neigbhour opposite parking so it is hard to get the car out of the drive. We came home once and there was no way we were going to get the caravan in the drive with the car opposite and it is a busy road. We asked politely if he could move the car and he did. He even then offered to help move the van with us. Since then he no longer parks dead opposite their drive which is better for M & D and also us. I was surprised as obviously we do not live there and are not up every weekend, but him knowing that it was causing a problem for us seemed to have sorted the issue out. Maybe by bringing the van home and letting them know that you may struggle getting it out may help, it may also spark converstation with them and you will soon suss out wheter they are going to be approahable or not.
Mar 14, 2005
Another thing to consider is that it would be far better to make a point now (nicely!), as the longer a habit or pattern goes on for, the harder it may be to get it to change! Agree that the best approach will be to demonstrate that you are having genuine difficulties, and therefore could he consider parking a few feet away (or on his drive!). This could be quite a useful ice-breaker too with your new neighbour. Just don't go at it with blazing guns, the guy may just not realise (some people don't think)that it's a problem. Hopefully he'll be keen to 'get on with his new neighbours' too, and you'll all be fine. Don't let it fester in your mind, or YOU'LL be the one to seem unreasonable when you've got worked up!

Mar 14, 2005
Hi Paul - always a difficult one - 9 times out of 10 the guy propably does not know the problems he causes.

We stopped a similar prablem by parking our car at the bottom of our drive. It is illegal to park opposite someones drive so that you are obstructed from getting on or off.

Far better to sort it amicably rather than start saying what is your "right". Our problem was sorted one morning when we both waved and then had a chat - we told the new guy that we had started parking there to "protect" our ability to use the drive and he was genuinely sorry that he had caused a problem. He came from an area where you parked where you could!

Never had a problem since.
Mar 14, 2005
Borrow the wheel clamp off your van and stick it on his car with an official looking summons. When he pops out to use his motor, conveniently be there, and offer to help. Tell him you can get the clamp removed for free as you know a friend of a friend and to give it about an hour. When he goes back in, remove the clamp and wait for the thanks to come flooding in. One, he will never park there again. Two, he owes you one!
Mar 14, 2005
Borrow the wheel clamp off your van and stick it on his car with an official looking summons. When he pops out to use his motor, conveniently be there, and offer to help. Tell him you can get the clamp removed for free as you know a friend of a friend and to give it about an hour. When he goes back in, remove the clamp and wait for the thanks to come flooding in. One, he will never park there again. Two, he owes you one!
Now where's my copy of Viz....
Sep 7, 2005
Hi Clive, do you mean across the road from your drive is illegal or directley across your drive. Thanks, static.

I have a dropped kerb at the entrance to my driveway.
Mar 14, 2005
What LOL says sounds like good advise .You dont want to upset the guy ,so why not park your car in the narrow lane instead of on your drive then he can do the 38 point turn trick

Mar 14, 2005

So went home last night and the neighbour to my left had already parked their car in the road- we share the drive entrance and our drives then fork off to each house.

So I park in the drive with no access problems. Later than night when i'm putting the rubbish out I have a look out to the road- the new guys has- get this- parked opposite my neighbours car blocking access to all but the narrowest vehicle! We live on a quiet road but a few cars couldn't get through and the bloke wasn't answering his door! As I went to bed at 11.30 he finally moved forward and allowed access again! It's going to be fun!
Mar 14, 2005

So went home last night and the neighbour to my left had already parked their car in the road- we share the drive entrance and our drives then fork off to each house.

So I park in the drive with no access problems. Later than night when i'm putting the rubbish out I have a look out to the road- the new guys has- get this- parked opposite my neighbours car blocking access to all but the narrowest vehicle! We live on a quiet road but a few cars couldn't get through and the bloke wasn't answering his door! As I went to bed at 11.30 he finally moved forward and allowed access again! It's going to be fun!
Putting the rubbish out? Wouldnt it be a shame if the dustmans lorry bumped his car because it couldnt get through!
May 12, 2005
Paul just go and tell him, he obviously can`t see for himself or he wouldn`t have double parked. why can`t he use his own drive? or at least all park on the same side of the road. good luck TONY A.
Apr 11, 2005
You need to "politely" inform him that you are also worried that emergency services need to get through,god forbid if there was ever a fire or anything,the time it takes him to move could cost lives !

Tina x
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Clive, do you mean across the road from your drive is illegal or directley across your drive. Thanks, static.

I have a dropped kerb at the entrance to my driveway.
Hi Static - as far as I am aware it is illegal to park on the road opposite someones drive - this is easily defined in your case if you have a droped kerb.

Ring your local Hiways & Biways dept - ours are really helpful - hopefully yours will be as well.
Mar 14, 2005
As far as the fire engine is concerned ,just have a look at the front of a fire engine it is like a tank .I have it on good authority that if a vehicle is obstructing the path of a fire engine on an emegency call it just knocks the obstuction out of the way .This is followed up by the police prosecuting the owner of the obstruction .Result a fine ,and a good chance the insurance company will not want to know.An ambulance on a similar emergency call would be delayed in that case only the offenders concience would suffer Coljac
Apr 11, 2005
As far as the fire engine is concerned ,just have a look at the front of a fire engine it is like a tank .I have it on good authority that if a vehicle is obstructing the path of a fire engine on an emegency call it just knocks the obstuction out of the way .This is followed up by the police prosecuting the owner of the obstruction .Result a fine ,and a good chance the insurance company will not want to know.An ambulance on a similar emergency call would be delayed in that case only the offenders concience would suffer Coljac
your right coljac,unfortunately ambulances cant really get away with that,needless to say though have had a few wing mirrors off before now!! whooops !!


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