Solar Panels... worth while?

Apr 7, 2008
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If you intend to use a solar panel for trickle charging your battery & your van has a alarm fitted, you will need at least 10 to 15w just to keep it topped up.

For what Stephen is suggesting as i have said save your money 1.5w will do nothing, especially on a dark or dull day..

If he wants to go down the solar panel rout for rallying or not on EHU then, the amount of usage the battery is going to take, will determine the size of panel required, the bigger the panel the more expensive they are, ideally between 60-80w would be ok.

Some people manage with a smaller one, but are very wary to what is being used & manage it accordingly
Jan 25, 2010
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The exact reason for posting before purchasing... your advise or an alternative that works would be greatfully received.

I'm new to caravanning and have no idea how long my battery or gas would last as i have yet to go on my maiden trip being something of a gadget geek Solar power seems like a great idea but i know nothing about the pros or cons or standards i should be looking for.
Sep 25, 2009
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If you intend to use a solar panel for trickle charging your battery & your van has a alarm fitted, you will need at least 10 to 15w just to keep it topped up.

For what Stephen is suggesting as i have said save your money 1.5w will do nothing, especially on a dark or dull day..

If he wants to go down the solar panel rout for rallying or not on EHU then, the amount of usage the battery is going to take, will determine the size of panel required, the bigger the panel the more expensive they are, ideally between 60-80w would be ok.

Some people manage with a smaller one, but are very wary to what is being used & manage it accordingly
Thanks Sproket, your advice has been noted.

Best regards,

Sep 23, 2009
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Hi stephen.

To pick upon a point you made Re-dont know how long battery will last........

Our tv 15"flat screen/dvd/free view 60 watt,is run on 12v via a 500 watt inverter,being economical with the usage we can get approx 19/21 hrs use out of a 85Ah battery.(although I must say we are not telly addicts)

We use a 110 Ah battery for,lighting,water pump,toilet flush,& the radio/cd player,although this isn't used much,we have a portable afore mentioned radio/cd put duracel batterys in last year at a cost of about
Jul 13, 2006
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Sproket is absolutely correct - on an average day, with average sun you need a 15W unit just to keep up with the items drawing on standby. 1.5W will get you nowhere. If it runs at max, which it will not unless you are in the Mohave desert, for 12 hours a day it will take 56 days to give you a KW of power - about 10p's worth I think at today's rate from the grid. So your
Nov 4, 2004
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You have to accept that you will never get your money back on a solar panel unless you are out every weekend with no EHU.A 60 - 80 watt panel good quality ie sealed frame and hailstone resistant would set you back
Jul 14, 2010
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So what all you guys are saying is if I got a 4w trickle charge panel it would maintain my battery at full charge as I dont have tracker/alarm or anything else on standby( 1989 Avondale Mayfly).


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