Soup for travelling

Mar 14, 2005
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OK not strictly baking but seemed the best spot.

While in transit usually do quite long days - 300+ miles so during the cooler weather a nice soup at lunchtime seems like a good idea. OH makes wonderful soup, but this would have to be frozen and then defrosted at lunch stop as well as taking up valuable freezer space.

So tinned or dried soup would be ideal, but we have yet to find any that taste reasonable.

I'm sure suggestions will be forthcoming - please !

(I'm not a fan of tomato / minestrone but OH is, and a tin each is fine)
Nov 6, 2005
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Select a brand/variety of tinned soup that you like and stick with it - adding extra herbs if you wish.

We've tried soup stops on long runs but they're our Plan B - internet research usually shows a pub close to motorway/main road suitable for lunch - Google Earth is your friend at checking whether you can get the caravan into and out of the car park - we find the best time to arrive is just before they open and the time taken is about the same as a soup stop.

Longer trips like Midlands to North-West Highlands need a different approach - sandwiches made the night before (or bought at Asda in the morning) travelling in the coolbox provides lunch and then an even more carefully chosen pub for an evening meal and finally on to a Forestry Commission carpark for the night.
Jul 15, 2008
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..........whether on a journey or on a site my caravan is always ready to provide anything from a cup of tea to a full meal.
All its systems are fully working .....refrigerator/ and cold water etc.
The interior is never cluttered with Aquarolls or awnings etc....all I need is a safe place to stop :)
Feb 4, 2014
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Gafferbill said:
..........whether on a journey or on a site my caravan is always ready to provide anything from a cup of tea to a full meal.
All its systems are fully working .....refrigerator/ and cold water etc.
The interior is never cluttered with Aquarolls or awnings etc....all I need is a safe place to stop :)

Ah! Folk after my own heart! How I miss my Elddis when it comes to long journeys; had my very own 'service station' where the dogs were always welcome! That's the only trouble with the Gobur, it's too much hassle to raise the roof and clear the gangway of cupboards etc for 'on board' meal stops. It's a packed lunch in the car for me now, with the dog drooling over my shoulder.
Apr 9, 2006
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If you suffer from migraine headaches be aware that some packet soups that you put into a mug and add water, contain msg and can trigger a migraine.
Another thing to look out for on the list of ingredients on ANYTHING, is yeast extract, which is often hidden msg.
Mar 9, 2015
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The quickest soup ever.
Spicy Red Lentil and Tomato
200g red lentils, one finely chopped onion, squirt of garlic paste, teaspoon dried thyme, tablespoon of paprika, one and half litre stock, 1 230g can chopped tomatoes, one bayleaf.
Boil for 5 mins, simmer 20 mins. Add a pinch of sugar. Done!

Could use chilli powder to taste instead of paprika. Add chopped ham and or frozen peas. I do not use salt if using stock cubes. Makes a large potful. Very warming and filling with rolls or sandwiches.
Mar 14, 2005
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toki2 said:
The quickest soup ever. ...............................
Boil for 5 mins, simmer 20 mins. ................. Done!.

Quick?????, and how many caravanners carry all that and can get to it all during a travelling stop?

I personally find that sandwiches and sometime a packet or tin of soup is fine for the journey.
Ray take a look at the soups available in Aldi, we find most of them to be very good alternatives to the branded varieties.
And for a quick warming meal when facilities are limited, we find a tin of stewed steak mixed with a tin of chunky vegetable soup, is a quick easy meal for two.
Nov 12, 2013
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Have you tried New Covent Garden soup? Scrummy! And if anyone has any soup recipes, let us know by posting the name of the dish, the ingredients and the method here, as our resident Caravan Chef is always on the look out for new recipes to try out.
Mar 9, 2015
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I should have said that I make the soup before travelling then heat it up and put in a thermos. Homemade soup is always better than tinned or packet and you know what it contains and cheaper!


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