Southport CC Site-Route

Mar 14, 2005
I am going to Southport at the end of April travelling on a Sunday on the M6 from the south. I see from the site directory info that the directions take you to the end of the M58 and eventually on the A565 Formby road.Is going through Ormskirk out of the question? as it looks quicker and nearer on the map.Can anyone advise who has been on this route.

Regards Jim
Jul 11, 2006
Hi Jim, We live about 15 miles from Southport and use the site quite often for weekends, I usually stick to the M58/ A565 route, whilst it may be a little further distance wise it is a far easier route as most is motorway and duel carrigeway, it also avoids the town centre of both Ormskirk and Southport.

Hope this helps.
Feb 16, 2009
Jim, l live in the Northwest and we were at Southport CC in October, we took the Ormskirk Route with no trouble, but it can get clog with traffic, especially from 10 am through to 5pm.

The cause is the supermarket that you have to pass which then leads from two lanes into one and major traffic controls at the intersection, this can have you queing for somtime if you hit it wrong.

My advise is if you can route around Ormskirk do it, as Southport on a Sunday will have loads of day trippers from Manchester and Liverpool.

The site is wonderful, a must is formby point to see the red squirrels if your lucky, you will enjoy it

Hope this helps.

Mar 14, 2005
Thanks Jasper and NGH for useful feedback, I think I will stick to M58/A565 route as the CC hand book.

Regards Jim
Feb 20, 2009
Hi jim i dont live far from southport and i agree with the resttry to avoid going through ormskirk because it is market day on saturdays and it does get busy,and by the supermarket the road funnels and does back up. it maybee shorter but it is quicker to come down to the end of the 58 and follow the sighns. it is well sighnposted and you will enjoy formby point and the nice pleasent strolls through the pine woods and along the beach,looking over at the welsh hills and mountains , have a good stay... dan
Apr 23, 2007
Hi Jim

Don't forget to jump on a train from Southport and visit Liverpool. They are every 15 mins.

Feb 20, 2009
Good shout ian . they can have a look at liverpool one new shoping precinct and pop over to the albert dock, and maybe take the tour bus. Oh and have a go on the duck .and see the beatles museum. and go to the maritime museum, and there's tons more. You may need a full weekend there to and ian might buy you a pint......... cheer's dan
Oct 21, 2008
Had a walk past the site last weekend - still closed yet but it looks like they are making improvements to the pitches at one end with new hardstandings - agree that Ormskirk town centre is best avoided if possible - its a lot easier to approach from the A565 and follow the coast road on the outskirts of Southport straight to the site - also avoids Southport town centre - by the way the model railway next door is worth a look at weekends when they have model steam trains running and you can even get a ride round the track for a small contribution
Jan 8, 2006
Jon, Youre right they are refurbishing the site,we were going to run a rally there at the end of Jan but they cancelled it. L.Lo
Apr 23, 2007
got so scared at the prospect of having to buy a round, I ran off to Scotland.

Try a pub crawl in L'pool and get the lat train. I guarantee you a great friendly night out.


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