Sorry chaps, been travelling home.
Now where were we?
Ah yes Colinn, I haven`t resorted to insult, merely pointing out that you were guilty of attempting to use my post to draw a conclusion that neither myself, or indeed I would likely wager, any other poster would find it impossible to do. Which basically rendered it pointless.
On the subject of speeding itself, I have not been caught speeding for well over 30 years, during which time i have driven well over three quarters of a million miles. I wouldn`t be a hypocrite and suggest that I haven`t transgressed in that period.
Speeding cameras are just that. I could almost tolerate them if they had a moniker that wasn`t so disingenuous.They are not `safety cameras` or whatever trendy name may be attached to them.They are there to raise revenue and do not, and never will, replace proper traffic police patrols.
We are blessed with such things in the district where i live (we must surely be famous for having a `Road Safety Officer` who cannot drive), including one where a female pillion passenger died when the stolen motorcycle she was being carried on crashed into a central crash barrier at 130mph. She wasn`t wearing a helmet. Also, on my way to work there is one where a pensioner left a suicide note before stepping in front of an HGV (that wasn`t speeding, but when did such facts ever count for much?) at 5.15am one morning.
Needless to say, both site are classed as successes as there have been no fatal accidents since. No, and there wasn`t any before either.And of course had the cameras been there, they wouldn`t have happened anyway, would they?
If speed killed, no one would race a car/bike/boat or fly in a plane.
Bad driving kills, and those who support `speed cameras` are helping the police and other authorities to abdicate their responsibility to actually make our roads safer and get the bad drivers off the roads, and get the bad roads made safe.
As such they are part of the problem.