Speed Camera in Horse Box

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Jun 4, 2007
I'm with you Colinn, if you don't break the speed limit you are reasonably safe from prosecution.

Both myself and my wife have been done in the past, and although we didn't exactly throw a party to celebrate we both accepted that it was our own fault, it's all to easy to blame someone else.

No excuse for dirty tricks like lowing speed limits without providing due warning of course.

Imposing speeding fines doesn't mitigate the lack of justice elsewhere either.
Jan 19, 2008
Come on guys, only 75 to go for the ton up. Never in the field of Forum warfare has so much been written - largely by just one person agreed, about such a miniscule and insignificant (in the great scheme of things) subject...keep going Colinn, your audience awaits with baited breath (not)...

Ummmmm, haven't I seen a similar post to that before ... heh! heh!
Jan 19, 2008
Show me the person who has never broken the speed limit and I will call them a liar. It's ok trying to be holier than thou but it doesn't wash with me ... sorry ;O)
Nov 7, 2005
Come on guys, only 75 to go for the ton up. Never in the field of Forum warfare has so much been written - largely by just one person agreed, about such a miniscule and insignificant (in the great scheme of things) subject...keep going Colinn, your audience awaits with baited breath (not)...

Ummmmm, haven't I seen a similar post to that before ... heh! heh!
Toucheeee....your smart arse lordship!!! Go on then you lot, get out there and floor that throttle...! Heh, heh, heh...
Mar 26, 2008
Well put Lord B.

Brunstrom really is a low life and his driving record is dirtier than mine. If you want to prevent speeding why hide the camera. Put it withing a 100 metres of the sart of a limit so drivers slow down.

The truth is that Brunstrom has no intention barr raking in money.

We visit friends and pass alongside the Thames where they hide cameras against the background of trees. It does not stop drivers speeding, the position just means it collects money like most other cameras.

The truth is that if cameras and speed guns stopped drivers speeding they would have been done away with by now!
Mar 14, 2005
thorpedo said "I'm with you Colinn, if you don't break the speed limit you are reasonably safe from prosecution".

Not in Dorset your not! Extracted from the local paper

Driver exposes speed camera error

Kris Haskins checked his speed using an internet programme

The accuracy of speed cameras has been called into question after a man clocked at over 50mph proved he was actually travelling well under the limit.

Kris Haskins said he was amazed to receive a penalty notice from the Dorset Road Safety Camera partnership, accusing him of driving at 51mph in a 30mph zone in Sandford, near Wareham.

Mr Haskins obtained the photographs used as evidence and was able to work out with the aid of the internet that his actual speed was just 13.2mph.

The partnership says the error was due to the camera's radar being triggered by a reflected image.

Mr Haskins, who is deputy mayor of Portland Town Council, told the BBC: "The first thing was to obtain the photographs from the police, and when I'd got those the only way was to go onto the internet and work the distances out."

The camera partnership has apologised for the error, saying it was "an extremely rare occurrence and a known radar phenomenon".

Mr Haskins said he thought it was likely other drivers had been wrongly penalised.

There you have it they know there are the possibilities of error due to the camera's radar being triggered by a reflected image but they never even checked the photo to confirm the speeed from the road markings. Good job it was a GATSO - no chance with a LASAR as they reluctant to release more than a still from the video.

The point is about money, safety has got nothing to do with it. I agree with Colinn that the only way to fight them is to keep to the limit but they are crafty and set their traps on the safest roads where they can get a good return for their time. they will not sit at a danger spot all day to catch one or two.

It's all worth it though the KSI's are falling year by year arn't they?
Jan 19, 2008
Come on guys, only 75 to go for the ton up. Never in the field of Forum warfare has so much been written - largely by just one person agreed, about such a miniscule and insignificant (in the great scheme of things) subject...keep going Colinn, your audience awaits with baited breath (not)...

Ummmmm, haven't I seen a similar post to that before ... heh! heh!
Lmaaaooooo :O)
Nov 7, 2005
If Lord B will allow me one more go, let me say how much i agree with him. if i had been fined every time I have broken the speed limit, i would indeed be bankrupt and banned for life. But that's not my point. My point is that if i had been caught on any of those occasions I would only have myself to blame and people really shouldn't complain about the MANNER in which they are caught.

Interestingly, people who are on the verge of losing their licence by virtue of totted-up points, will not risk speeding. If they can do it, we all can...sorted...
Jun 14, 2007
Hi all i totally agree with you collin the speed limit is there and is there for a reason. If you choose to ignore it then you live with the consequenses that God forbid you kill or badly injure somebody else or yourself ,or you get fined get points and lose your licience and its that simple there is no point in saying the system is unfair you can only be responsible for yourself and noboby else. you must do what you think is right and hope everybody else will do likewise.You can never take back in hindsight what is done without proper thought in the first place. rant over luke
Aug 25, 2006
Sorry chaps, been travelling home.

Now where were we?

Ah yes Colinn, I haven`t resorted to insult, merely pointing out that you were guilty of attempting to use my post to draw a conclusion that neither myself, or indeed I would likely wager, any other poster would find it impossible to do. Which basically rendered it pointless.

On the subject of speeding itself, I have not been caught speeding for well over 30 years, during which time i have driven well over three quarters of a million miles. I wouldn`t be a hypocrite and suggest that I haven`t transgressed in that period.

Speeding cameras are just that. I could almost tolerate them if they had a moniker that wasn`t so disingenuous.They are not `safety cameras` or whatever trendy name may be attached to them.They are there to raise revenue and do not, and never will, replace proper traffic police patrols.

We are blessed with such things in the district where i live (we must surely be famous for having a `Road Safety Officer` who cannot drive), including one where a female pillion passenger died when the stolen motorcycle she was being carried on crashed into a central crash barrier at 130mph. She wasn`t wearing a helmet. Also, on my way to work there is one where a pensioner left a suicide note before stepping in front of an HGV (that wasn`t speeding, but when did such facts ever count for much?) at 5.15am one morning.

Needless to say, both site are classed as successes as there have been no fatal accidents since. No, and there wasn`t any before either.And of course had the cameras been there, they wouldn`t have happened anyway, would they?

If speed killed, no one would race a car/bike/boat or fly in a plane.

Bad driving kills, and those who support `speed cameras` are helping the police and other authorities to abdicate their responsibility to actually make our roads safer and get the bad drivers off the roads, and get the bad roads made safe.

As such they are part of the problem.


Mar 14, 2005
I've only been caught on camera once and that has nearly expired now.

As most people know I am in the fire service, not a serving ff but mainly in community safety.

Pre fire sevice, I hated speed cameras, thought they were simply a money making tool. Pre fire service, I am ashamed to say I regularly exceeded the speed limit on motorways.

Since working where I do, I NEVER ever break the speed limit now. I've seen photos of scenes. Best not to say anymore.

As I wrote on here a couple of months ago, one Friday afternoon I heard a bash, saw the back end of an rtc involving a biker and three other vehicles. The poor biker died a couple of hours later. None of the drivers were speeding. The death was due to driver error. I looked after the other three drivers involved, my colleagues brought the biker back to life for a brief period. It was a terrible terrible thing to witness. It had repecussions for the bikers family, the other three drivers and their families too.

So speed cameras, yes, I agree with them (I never thought I'd hear myself say that). But I also think we need to do something about the very serious problem of inept drivers as it really is a major problem. Young males up to the age of 25 are the main offenders. That is in our district, I can't speak for the rest of the UK.

Just my take on things.

Aug 25, 2006
As you say Lisa, the death was due to driver error (bad driving) not speeding.

If you replaced every 5 speed cameras with a police patrol car, you`d save more lives, get the unlicenced and uninsured off the road, and could educate as well as punish.

But that would cost money not raise it.

the hand-wringing and crocodile tears by the politicians and safety lobbies will be treated with contempt until they actually show they have the will to do something about it. That may start if they accepted the problem.
Nov 29, 2007
Being a perfect driver I think anyone driving slower than me is an idiot and if they can't handle the traffic, they shouldn't be on the road. Of course, anyone driving faster than me is driving too fast for the conditions and is therefore an idiot and should not be on the road!

Jan 1, 2008
Being a perfect driver I think anyone driving slower than me is an idiot and if they can't handle the traffic, they shouldn't be on the road. Of course, anyone driving faster than me is driving too fast for the conditions and is therefore an idiot and should not be on the road!

Hi all I live in north wales and feel sorry for anyone visiting here not only do we have a camara hidden behind a bridge but now in a horse box. But what makes my blood boil is that your speed can creep up just over the limit and it's a fine and points. You would not believe how many people I see every day driving while using a mobile phone they never seem to be fined.

So please do not let this put you off visiting the area just keep your speed down and use your phone and you will be alright peter.
Jan 1, 2008
Hi all I live in north wales and feel sorry for anyone visiting here not only do we have a camara hidden behind a bridge but now in a horse box. But what makes my blood boil is that your speed can creep up just over the limit and it's a fine and points. You would not believe how many people I see every day driving while using a mobile phone they never seem to be fined.

So please do not let this put you off visiting the area just keep your speed down and use your phone and you will be alright peter
Aug 25, 2006
I did read that the police wanted to find a "donkey box" so they would feel at home, but couldn`t get one.
Jan 19, 2008
As you say Lisa, the death was due to driver error (bad driving) not speeding.

If you replaced every 5 speed cameras with a police patrol car, you`d save more lives, get the unlicenced and uninsured off the road, and could educate as well as punish.

But that would cost money not raise it.

the hand-wringing and crocodile tears by the politicians and safety lobbies will be treated with contempt until they actually show they have the will to do something about it. That may start if they accepted the problem.
.... also in Lisa's example it was a motorcyclist. What protection do they have?
Mar 30, 2008
We live on the north wales border & you really have to be careful with the police's yellow piggy bank boxes.

I got 3 points a while back going up to blackrock beach, theres a village i know quite well that you have to go through with a hill on the way out & at some point the speed limit had been moved from the top of the hill where the village ends to the bottom.

On the way back i saw the nice shiny new camara van tucked in behind a tree at the top of said hill, thinking you b******s i saw you, not thinking whether he was there earlier.

I found out a week later that he was, 52 in a 30, not good 3 points &
Nov 29, 2007
52 in a 30 limit? If all the posts re speedo/satnav are to be believed your speedo would have been showing a higher speed than 52mph. At the risk of taking some flak, if you can't see a shiny speed camera van or shiny new speed limit sign, what chance does the dull young child have?

Aug 28, 2005
Neigh, I can't believe that tail Allyson. Whoever saddled you with that story. Hay, if it was on the mane news ok but it was Welsh so cob them.It's a ploy to keep us English out. They are always trotting stories out like that. If you are concerned why don't you go cross country next time to avoid them.

Sorry - it's a non eventer for me :O(

I believe BBC Wales are trying to take everyone for a ride.
that was very good L B i couldnt stop laughing very witty indeed
Nov 7, 2005
Chrisbee, I wouldn't have any fears about taking flak - you are absolutely right...

Too many people try to tell us that speed does not kill - but speed in the wrong place most certainly does.

The problem is that too many drivers see technology as the enemy; they see it only in terms of fines, points, cash cows, etc, etc. And they winge - not at their offence, but because they were caught.

They would do better to volunteer for a driver re-education course which would graphically instill in them that travelling at 52+ in a 30 limit is irresponsible and downright reckless.

They would never, ever, break a speed limit again if they hit a child at 52+ in a 30 limit - and killed them. At the lower speed, the child may have been avoided or at least survived the collision.

But they'll never know until it's too late...will they?
Mar 26, 2008
If children were kept under better control and taught not to play around traffic more would be alive and less drivers branded.
Mar 14, 2005
Speed DOES NOT kill - it is the person who is driving that kills. This can be demonstrated by the likes of Louis Hamilton and other grand prix drivers who maybe involved in crashes at speed but are very rarely killed or seriously injured.

I was recently driving at approx 60mph in the right hand lane of a dual carraigeway approaching a set of traffic lights in the distance on red. I was slowing down for the lights. The inside lane was marked for traffic turning left at the lights whereas I wished to continue ahead. In my rear view mirrow was a Renault Megane coming up on me very fast. The driver overtook me on the near side and pulled back in infront of me almost initially hitting my front nearside and then almost hitting the boot of the car infront of me. There were two young girls in the car and when I flashed my headlights at them I received two fingers out of both the driver's side and the near side. In my car were four adults and there were two people in the rear of the car they almost shunted. It is idiots like these who kill.
Nov 29, 2007
If children were kept under better control and taught not to play around traffic more would be alive and less drivers branded.
Children by definition are "children" and as such their ability to judge speed and distance is not as well developed as an adult driver's. We have a moral obligation to protect them from ALL danger, be that bullies, paedophiles or speeding drivers. If speed cameras help one iota then I for one am all for them.

I suspect all the "nays" in this thread have been caught on camera whilst the "ayes" have yet to have that pleasure, as we surely will.

Jun 4, 2007
It's a shame that people who believe that speed does not kill have never watched the graphic TV ad.

I think it says -

Hit me at 40 mph and there is an 80% chance I'll Die

Hit me at 30 mph and there is an 80% chance I'll live.

Whether this is accurate or not I don't know and I don't really care because it certainly gets the point across. Shame so few people appear to grasp the message.


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