Speed Limit Changed?

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My point to Steve, but John's points are not correct.

Police in all countries using up to date modern speed detection equipment will book you for being over the limit.

If you are doing 65 mph on the M4 according to you speedo that reads 5mph over you will not get booked! YUou will also not get booked for doing 35 in a 30 limit as you will onlt be doing 30 which a Satnav will tell you!

PC plod will book you for being OVER the limit as nearly all over read the correct speed and you will not get booked until you go OVER the actual limit not what your inaccurate speedo says!
Apr 13, 2005
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the speed some people drive at may seem ridiculas steve but only becouse we have a 60 mph limit in this country, i always tow within the law and also thought anyone going over 60 was stupid but having just done our first trip to france i now beg to fiffer, after a 100 mile or so of getting used to the french roads i was on a n road with a 130 km limit and did not realise untill i looked at the speedo that i was following a french outfit and doing 75 mph, my car seat alhambra and van ace twin axle never once felt anything other than completly in control, yes i had to leave a much bigger gap to brake safely and yes i had to be more alert but the outfit was more than capable of this speed safely and would i am sure still have been safe at the 80 mph limit. the problem with this country is most people regard the 60 limit as a tested maximum for caravans, but i have never seen anything to suggest that a well loaded well maintained van is not safe above 60 mph and in my opinion the 60 limit is too low but as long as its the law i will obey it.


Adapting to road conditions be they traffic density or weather orientated is a major factor when driving and especially when towing.

In the the accident equations the factors of frustration, stress and fatigue are big players. Making good progress on the road can keep those factors to a minimum level.

Having made the decision to pass two lorries about three years ago towing the caravan our fellow caravnner behind opted not to and arrived two amd a half hours later at our destination spitting fire with a damaged rear light and minor damage to a front corner caused by his anger.

Commom sense, speed, laws and speed limits can be at odds at times, I would hope that common sense wins.

Having travelled the M25 after arriving back at Dover many times and having witnessed some M25 accidents, I would rather take what I know to be a true 60 mph and slightly more at times rather than be in the dangerous inner lane convoys riding far to close together.


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