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Nov 12, 2009
I'm not a member of the CC and haven't yet stayed on a CC site. I hope to rectify this situation early this year but from what I've read here and in previous topics of this nature CC members can choose their pitch independently of any site wardens.

The C&CC which I'm a member of denies this privelidge to it's members and on mainstream C&CC sites a warden or one of his assistants walks with the unit to the pitch that has been allocated. Speeding is rarely seen amongst caravanners on their way to a pitch for this reason although there are still those who speed on certified sites now and then.

Couldn't the CC warden just walk alongside the unit to the pitch that the member choose themselves or am I being a bit thick? Would that increase the safety of children on CC sites even if only by a small margin?


Plenty of sites do use narrow roads and various items that form pinch points. Many commercial sites just create narrow roads and turns as they make as many pitches as they can to maximise profit, especially on coastal sites.

Field gateways make a good pinch point effect and slow driers as well.

I think the main problems here is that so many are fixated with the CC. Our experience is of a far wider range of sites, we stay at a few terraced sites on the continent where some drivers have ther caravans pitched by the sites tractors as the turns are tight to the terraces and steep and the tarmac roadways narrow. We never see any speeding on that sort of busy site.

The CC and some other sites have made the mistake of giving spacious pitches and spacious quality leveled access roads that allow people to speed.
Aug 28, 2005
I'm not a member of the CC and haven't yet stayed on a CC site. I hope to rectify this situation early this year but from what I've read here and in previous topics of this nature CC members can choose their pitch independently of any site wardens.

The C&CC which I'm a member of denies this privelidge to it's members and on mainstream C&CC sites a warden or one of his assistants walks with the unit to the pitch that has been allocated. Speeding is rarely seen amongst caravanners on their way to a pitch for this reason although there are still those who speed on certified sites now and then.

Couldn't the CC warden just walk alongside the unit to the pitch that the member choose themselves or am I being a bit thick? Would that increase the safety of children on CC sites even if only by a small margin?
speeding is not confined to new arrivals , you find the same people speeding through out there stay ,and its not just speeding , driving the wrong way around is another thing i have noticed
May 18, 2007
Diesel cars and maybe some petrol allow you to drive at tick-over speed without stalling.I think that this is more than an adequate speed as opposed to stating a speed limit.Drivers should be able to judge their speed without looking at the speedo and as with driving on public highways you drive according to the prevailing road conditions.

It is not the the CC sites where speeding is a problem and yes we have all seen wardens on their tractors whissing around the site.I have noticed speeding more so on sites with statics on with people not familiar to the risks.

I do tend to notice speeders on sites for 2 reasons ; I have a young child and a now a new born(first trip booked for April at the tender age of 4 months!!!) and secondly I was run over by a speeding car on a site when I was 5.My father can still recall the screams to this day 35 years later
Mar 14, 2005
HI Dave

I know where you are coming from,but I dont think its only

Caravan parks ,go to your superstore car park ,suddenly

people trying to park are in the way!Try keeping to 30mph

in town (silly old F**t in the Volvo thats me),try turning

right yes i am in the way again. We live near the New Forest 40mph limit because of the Ponys ect, biggest culprits, the locals ,must get where I am going, have you heard that on TV

before with our friend, 'get out of my way J. CLARKSON ',self-centred wit, he is not so good when he only got two wheels and a motor,keeps falling off.So I dont think speed bumps are the

answer,we need to change our attitude.I feel a lot better now.

Rob Lynne&Woofers
Jan 21, 2014
Similar situation at Sandringham over the New Year, the culprit in a Volvo was speeding around the site at well over the 5mph, and when he left with his caravan - he must have been doing 30mph. IMO these selfish people are a danger to others, particularly children on bikes - they should be kicked off the site. BTW the perpertrator was in his late 60s, and should damn well know better!!!
If it was red Volvo estate, then it was the same one!!
Jun 25, 2005

I caravanned as a child, now with my own family for over 9 years. The speed of cars on sites is sadly nothing new. Some drivers on sites, to date cc sites, are brilliant, driving below the speed limit at times, others drive as if they are on a car racing track, with a caravan on the back at times.

We have been on sites were the wardens have mentioned the speed limit for cars and then mentioned how there are kids on bikes and scooters going fast around the site, at times in the opposite direction. Speed limits mean nothing to some kids, they do not understand. Adults are a different matter.

Jun 26, 2005
As a member of the CC for 35 years ,I have been on many sites were speeding is a bad problem. I for one would gladly pay extra club membership for whatever it would take to stop the idiots ,"old and young "from using sites as a race track, be it altered road layout ,speed humps or what it takes


All I would ask of 'Annette' is to define the age of responsibility for children? If the new legislation proposed comes to pass then the murderers of James Bulger would now be classified as under the age of responsibility???

I am sorry but children do know the right and wrong at a very early age. I understand her comment but there has to be a line somewhere and children are not necessarily more innocent than adults. Training and guidance would be beneficial to all.


Sorry, but my Post on this did not really come out as intended. I am not trying to denigrate any points being made regarding speeders, but what I tried, and did not really succeed, was put across the point that children are just as responsible as the drivers. We all fear the day a child runs out in front of us from nowhere, even at 5 mph, and we have no chance of avoiding an accident. We all will be heartbroken if the child is hurt or worse, but as time moves on you can bet that the opinion will slowly move from sympathy towards the view that 'it must have been the driver's fault' and a 2nd life can be destroyed.

I feel that children must be made aware of their own responsibilites on campsites. We all want them to have fun, but they need to know the rules, and if Heaven Forbid, an accident hapens and we have to accept that it will someday, unless you keep everybody wrapped up in cotton wool. Fotunately, the number of accidents that actually do occur, are extremely small, so let us keep it in proportion. Be sensible and careful either as drivers, or campers.
Jun 19, 2005
Sorry, but my Post on this did not really come out as intended. I am not trying to denigrate any points being made regarding speeders, but what I tried, and did not really succeed, was put across the point that children are just as responsible as the drivers. We all fear the day a child runs out in front of us from nowhere, even at 5 mph, and we have no chance of avoiding an accident. We all will be heartbroken if the child is hurt or worse, but as time moves on you can bet that the opinion will slowly move from sympathy towards the view that 'it must have been the driver's fault' and a 2nd life can be destroyed.

I feel that children must be made aware of their own responsibilites on campsites. We all want them to have fun, but they need to know the rules, and if Heaven Forbid, an accident hapens and we have to accept that it will someday, unless you keep everybody wrapped up in cotton wool. Fotunately, the number of accidents that actually do occur, are extremely small, so let us keep it in proportion. Be sensible and careful either as drivers, or campers.
"The Ultimate Control would be for Adult Only Sites so that Children are not put at risk. This is children we are talking about, Adults do not tend to run out from behind Trees !!!!!

I appreciate that this is not practical.

So one way may be No Cars near Caravans you pitch up, unhitch and then Park your car near Reception. It won't solve the problem but it would reduce by 80/90%.

In reality I can't see an answer, but lets try to be constructive. Not blame peole over 60 who drive 4 X 4s afterall they did have children once, and now have Grandchildren to protect."

I am not sure how to add quotes so I have copied this from one of Gumbo's posts.

The first part I would like to comment on is about the Adult Only Sites. You have said this is not practical and I totally agree as I have bought my van so my son can enjoy the time we are away.

The second point I would like to comment on is the bit about parking your car at a designated spot and then walk to your caravan. When it is chucking it down with rain you might be able to hold an umbrella and get to your van and be relatively dry. I on the other hand don not have this option as I am a wheelchair user. I require both hands to push my chair so I would be soaked by the time I got to my van. Not really a good solution.

It is interesting to hear everyone speak about kids being knocked down but I am about the same height as a kids as are many other park users who will use a wheelchair. I know kids are likely to be out and about on bikes and scooters and such like but if I had a
Jun 19, 2005
Oops, I think I made a complete mess of that post so apologies for this. Still learning my way around the forum.

"The Ultimate Control would be for Adult Only Sites so that Children are not put at risk. This is children we are talking about, Adults do not tend to run out from behind Trees !!!!! I appreciate that this is not practical. So one way may be No Cars near Caravans you pitch up, unhitch and then Park your car near Reception. It won't solve the problem but it would reduce by 80/90%. In reality I can't see an answer, but lets try to be constructive. Not blame peole over 60 who drive 4 X 4s afterall they did have children once, and now have Grandchildren to protect." I am not sure how to add quotes so I have copied this from one of Gumbo's posts. The first part I would like to comment on is about the Adult Only Sites. You have said this is not practical and I totally agree as I have bought my van so my son can enjoy the time we are away. The second point I would like to comment on is the bit about parking your car at a designated spot and then walk to your caravan. When it is chucking it down with rain you might be able to hold an umbrella and get to your van and be relatively dry. I on the other hand don not have this option as I am a wheelchair user. I require both hands to push my chair so I would be soaked by the time I got to my van. Not really a good solution. It is interesting to hear everyone speak about kids being knocked down but I am about the same height as a kids as are many other park users who will use a wheelchair. I know kids are likely to be out and about on bikes and scooters and such like but if I had a
Aug 13, 2007
We are all complaining about people speeding on caravan sites and supermarket car parks, but how many on here can hand on heart say that they keep to the speed limit on the road.

How does the saying go "People in glass houses" or "Let he without sin cast the first stone".


Nov 12, 2009
Oops, I think I made a complete mess of that post so apologies for this. Still learning my way around the forum.

"The Ultimate Control would be for Adult Only Sites so that Children are not put at risk. This is children we are talking about, Adults do not tend to run out from behind Trees !!!!! I appreciate that this is not practical. So one way may be No Cars near Caravans you pitch up, unhitch and then Park your car near Reception. It won't solve the problem but it would reduce by 80/90%. In reality I can't see an answer, but lets try to be constructive. Not blame peole over 60 who drive 4 X 4s afterall they did have children once, and now have Grandchildren to protect." I am not sure how to add quotes so I have copied this from one of Gumbo's posts. The first part I would like to comment on is about the Adult Only Sites. You have said this is not practical and I totally agree as I have bought my van so my son can enjoy the time we are away. The second point I would like to comment on is the bit about parking your car at a designated spot and then walk to your caravan. When it is chucking it down with rain you might be able to hold an umbrella and get to your van and be relatively dry. I on the other hand don not have this option as I am a wheelchair user. I require both hands to push my chair so I would be soaked by the time I got to my van. Not really a good solution. It is interesting to hear everyone speak about kids being knocked down but I am about the same height as a kids as are many other park users who will use a wheelchair. I know kids are likely to be out and about on bikes and scooters and such like but if I had a
Apr 13, 2005
ive had problems with speeding outfits on many many occasions, i honestly can not see why anyone would want to fly around a caravan park at more than walking pace, its bad enough with the car but i find it more of a problem when people are leaving sites with the van on tow. of course you get many many different situations and we cant just blame the over 60's with 4x4 although i have to admit to telling my dad to slow down in his showgun on quite a few occasions !.

i remember going to holgates in silverdale a few years ago, i pitched up and was sat infront of the van having a beer when a brand new superstorm came on site towed by a brand new range rover travelling well in excess of 30 mph, out popped the sunglass clad bloke and the obligatory blonde complete with elizabeth duke jewellery and they proceded to pitch the van, at this point i just ignored them and thought how stupid they where. after an hour the range rover sped off again and 30 mins later the bloke returned in a porsche ! again speeding through the site. i complained to mr holgate after a weekend of this guy flying around the site in the porsche and mr holgate did have a word with him, later on sunday the guy dissapeared again and returned with the range rover he hitched up and quite litterally wheel spun the outfit past my van and off out of the site, we just held up our glasses and applauded him wich hopefully helped him with his guilt.

i supose what i am trying to say is that it does seem to be those that are either too ignorant or too old to realise the danger or those that just dont care and want to show off.

im going to the burrs this weekend and this site too has its fair share of speeders, if your one of them remember i am there and i will report you and if i see you out of your car i will tell you that ive reported you, its a dangerous and stupid thing to do and ignorance or age are no excuss.
Jun 19, 2005
I copied and pasted your post from 'comments' which is often used for personal messages on to the main forum Dougy.

The forum engine doesn't support a 'quotes box' as on other forums so just copy and paste and add quotation marks and the name of the member that you're quoting.
Many thanks for doing this.



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