ESP - On, regardless - some cars detect that they're towing and use different settings for ESP - but even those that don't are more stable with ESP while towing than without.On or off when towing?
I leave mine on but have read others turn it off.
Agreed but my manual does not mention my question hence the enquiry. Is it a MCAS?? As devised by Boeing 🤪🤪As alway's it's up to the driver to ensure they are using the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and any legislation that applies in the area. As such if the manufactures instructions will tell you what you should do, and in the absence of any specific instructions to the contrary assume it means leaving systems turned on.
Read the manual.
If a manual does not mention it, then it most likely means leave well alone, but if you are really concerned on a matter like this then it makes more sense contacting the dealer or manufacture because their could be model specific reasons for or against. The only answer from a forum that might have value is if someone else has the same make and model, and has asked the manufacture and received instructions from them.Agreed but my manual does not mention my question hence the enquiry. Is it a MCAS?? As devised by Boeing 🤪🤪