Static Caravans

Oct 24, 2007
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I bought a new static caravan in 2005.Now trying to sell which i was told i had to do through the site.Found a buyer only to be told that the site wont do the finance.Im selling for £17000.00 giving 15% to site.They are selling the same van on their pitch for £24000.00 they offered me £4000.00 how can this be right is there any help out there.
May 12, 2005
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It`s a con, we got bit with a time share in 1991, they tell you its an investment, B*****ks it cost me money to get rid of it.

When you signed up they said you can only sell through them, hence no competition, take our price or don`t sell and continue to pay the annual fees,

They have you over a barrel robbing b*****ds, unless some legal wizkid out there knows different.

Good luck pet

Tony A.


Aug 26, 2007
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Hi Sarah, So sorry that you have also been caught in the trap. We too sold our static earlier in the year and made quite a loss. The park owners where we were are total rip off merchants! I think they are all the same as I can gather from various websites & forums. The National Caravan Council are no help either on individual cases. In the end we cut our losses & ran as we did't want to fork out another
Jan 2, 2006
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I spent many years linked to the industry as Caravan Manager for one of the then largest finance house /banks.This was and remains a big issue because you buy the van plus sites markup onto which they add a further markup for the pitch (because they spent money on services,base etc and siting)so when you want to sell all that goes plus more.They cannot arrange the finance as the are not the vendor.The NCC is an organisation to represent the manufacturer so no use to you,The BHHPA is likewise a body to represent the site owner,no body exists to represent the 'resident'other that the 'law'.

That said from what you have said whilst not good they have one nothing outside of the law.

Caviat emptor springs to mind,also many sites run on a 'ten year agreement'meaning that after ten years the van has to go meaning you have to sell off site and take a really big hit.

None of this is what you want to hear but that is the way it is.
Oct 24, 2007
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I spent many years linked to the industry as Caravan Manager for one of the then largest finance house /banks.This was and remains a big issue because you buy the van plus sites markup onto which they add a further markup for the pitch (because they spent money on services,base etc and siting)so when you want to sell all that goes plus more.They cannot arrange the finance as the are not the vendor.The NCC is an organisation to represent the manufacturer so no use to you,The BHHPA is likewise a body to represent the site owner,no body exists to represent the 'resident'other that the 'law'.

That said from what you have said whilst not good they have one nothing outside of the law.

Caviat emptor springs to mind,also many sites run on a 'ten year agreement'meaning that after ten years the van has to go meaning you have to sell off site and take a really big hit.

None of this is what you want to hear but that is the way it is.
Thanks for that i think the best thing to do is to rent it outh then give it back to the finance company which you can halfway through but i will have to pay
Oct 24, 2007
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25 Oct 2007 09:17 AM Thanks for that i think the best thing to do is to rent it out then give it back to the finance company which you can halfway through but i will have to pay
Nov 7, 2005
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I looked into the possibility of buying a static many years ago, and quickly came to the conclusion that however desirable was the van, the site and the lifestyle, the financial implications were absolutely disastrous. What you say Sarah shows that nothing has changed...
Aug 4, 2004
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I think that purchasing for short holidays is not financially viable however if you lived in it 11 months of the year for 20 years you should be okay financially even if you sold it as scrap
May 25, 2005
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Hi Sarah

Did you purchase the static through the site owners? Or did you buy it privately and had it sited on their land?

We bought a static a few years ago and when we came to sell it we also had a problem. However, as we had bought it off site and had it delivered then the only charge we were forced to pay was the 'disconnection fee'. The site owner did not like this at all but there was nothing he could do about it.

Fortunately, we managed to PX it for a tourer via a company who also traded in statics.



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