Stay of Leave

Mar 14, 2005
Sad as the case is, a family who were to be deported as their visa had expired have been given a stay of leave to remain in this country so that the husband can sue the health authority for the death of his wife during childbirth. Whilst I sympathise with the family for the loss of the wife/mother why were they not deported when their visa expired and prior to the child birth?
Jan 19, 2008
Look at it this way Colyn, a fatcat lawyer has probably made a lot of money through the courts trying to stop them being deported, that is why they are still here.

Now another fatcat lawyer will make a tidy sum sueing the Health Authority. Please show a little consideration Colyn, our lawyers also need to live and put food on the tables for their families.
Sep 13, 2006
You are way out on this one Colin and LB - perhaps as we are local we get more of the story on the news than you do.

The family were here on the wifes visa as she was working as a nurse in the same hospital that she was to die in.

While giving birth in that hospital she was administered a drug which is meant to be given only as an epidural into the spine but instead was injected into her arm killing her.

This has to be negligence and the hospital have not even apologised for their mistake.

This family has lost a wife and mother and because she is now dead (there was no reason before, as she had a visa) have come under the deportation spotlight - if any family (what is left of it) have a right to stay and see justice done - they do.

You can not put them in the same category as the vast majority of cases that exist i.e. terrorists, thieves and general spongers.
Jan 9, 2008
Sorry but it's simple. No Visa, Next plane out!

No doubt the family should get compensation and that can be sent to the husband and family.

Until this country toughens up we will just be over run with any chancer or waif and stray that wants to chance it.
Jan 19, 2008
You are way out on this one Colin and LB - perhaps as we are local we get more of the story on the news than you do.

The family were here on the wifes visa as she was working as a nurse in the same hospital that she was to die in.

While giving birth in that hospital she was administered a drug which is meant to be given only as an epidural into the spine but instead was injected into her arm killing her.

This has to be negligence and the hospital have not even apologised for their mistake.

This family has lost a wife and mother and because she is now dead (there was no reason before, as she had a visa) have come under the deportation spotlight - if any family (what is left of it) have a right to stay and see justice done - they do.

You can not put them in the same category as the vast majority of cases that exist i.e. terrorists, thieves and general spongers.
Sorry if my post didn't come over as I meant it to JC. I don't know the rights and wrongs of that particular case, my post was having a sarcastic potshot at human rights and compensation claim lawyers.
Sep 13, 2006

I hope that nothing tragic like this happens to any of us in any foreign country - but if it did, I would like to think that we would be allowed to stay to see justice done and this might help with the grieving process.

This case however has taken far too long and this could be down to the legal profession as LB states.
Mar 14, 2005
Actually most of the delay was caused by the Hospital Trust witholding information & it wasn't until Mr Cabrera got the lawyer involved that the truth about his wifes death came out. For more than a year he had been informed that she died from natural causes!

Mrs Cabrera had been recruited by the NHS & had the necessary clearance and visa, whilst her husband had permission to stay until 2009,provided his wife still worked at the Great Western Hospital Swindon.

I think a little more compassion might be called for in this instance
Jan 19, 2008
I wonder if the nurse, Marie To, who coupled up the bag of fluid to Ms Cabreras catheter was another nurse import? It will all come out in the wash as the recriminations start to fly.
Jan 9, 2008
I have lived and worked under visa restrictions. As sad as it would be, if I found myself in a similar sittuation I doubt that I would get more than scant sympathy. Order of the Boot is the normal practice and UK should always have been doing the same.
May 4, 2005
Lord B,I think maybe you are making your assumption on Marie To's surname. She is referred to as Mrs in a lot of articles so this may be her married name. Pictures of her do not reflect the name IMHO.

She was a Senior Midwife with 20 years service up to retirement so obviously of some experience .

The facts will be decided by the courts but I don't think her origin has any relavence.

The NHS would not survive without "nurse imports" as you call them, something that I feel I can say as I happen to be married to one.

Jan 19, 2008
I never saw the report/TV footage of this incident. All I know is my wife remarked she looked Chinese. From this I simply asked the question is she a nurse import. Yes, I know who you are married to but once again you jump to conclusions for reasons only known to yourself. The point I was making was once the recriminations have finished the person who will carry the can will be the lowliest they can blame. God help the cleaner lady if she was in the vicinity.

If I used the word "import" wrongly I do apologise but to call them immigrants when they are only here on work visa's doesn't sound right. I do feel sometimes Brian, that when reading posts, you have tunnel vision and only see what you want to see instead of looking at the whole picture.

So to sum it up I don't give a monkeys if she is indigenous British, Chinese, Mongolian or Martian, she will get the blame if she is the lowest in the pecking order.
Jan 19, 2008
.......... and what's more she won't be given the option of resigning, like the NHS Chief Executive who I posted about recently. She has been offered
Jan 19, 2008
...... and as a coincidence, my wife who works at our local hospital attended a meeting this morning before the news was broken to the press. She has just phoned me and told me an American doctor who was working in the labs has got 4,500 patients cancer results wrong and all these patients, those who are still alive, are having to be recalled. Apparently a friend of ours is one of the patients.

The health service as never been in such a mess.

I've just found this link....
Jan 19, 2008
The one in Hereford???

If it was that's weird because each department sent a member of their staff this morning for a meeting with the Chief Exec.

Most thought it was an announcement about redundancies and then he proceeded to tell them the bad news and he wanted the staff to know first before they made a press release.
May 4, 2005
Metro newspaper

London edition 18/01/2008 Friday

Two die of cancer after test misread.

Two people have died after their cancer biopsy results were misread by a hospital doctor,it emerged yesterday. three other patients at wrexham maelor hospital are now being treated for cancer andten other patients have been called in by the north east wales NHS Trust for more tests. Some 4500 other tests are also now being reviewed.

The biopsy mistakes were made bt Dr Roger williams, who resigned last year when the errors were first discovered.

Sorry can't find link but I'm sure it's on net somewhere
Jan 19, 2008
Metro newspaper

London edition 18/01/2008 Friday

Two die of cancer after test misread.

Two people have died after their cancer biopsy results were misread by a hospital doctor,it emerged yesterday. three other patients at wrexham maelor hospital are now being treated for cancer andten other patients have been called in by the north east wales NHS Trust for more tests. Some 4500 other tests are also now being reviewed.

The biopsy mistakes were made bt Dr Roger williams, who resigned last year when the errors were first discovered.

Sorry can't find link but I'm sure it's on net somewhere
Thanks Brian, sadly it seems a different incident.
Mar 14, 2005
Brian - the item to which you are referring was a few weeks ago at Wrexham Meilor Hospital in North Wales. The Hereford incident is a new concern broadcast today on the news.
Jan 19, 2008
I've just got back from fetching Her Ladyship and both ITV and BBC news vans are at the hospital.

Whatever must be going through those poor peoples minds who had been given the all clear from that dreaded disease :O(


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