Sterilising the water system

Aug 29, 2006
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Hello everyone,

What is the best solution for treating the water system?

Can you use the stuff used to sterilise babies bottles?

Also how long do we need to leave it in the system.

Thanks Will
Apr 15, 2005
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Hi Will,

You can use the solutions that are used for babies bottles but these do not usually get rid of calcium build up and if it is a milton solution it can leave a taste.

We use a product called Kemdirect from Holland which cleans and descales. You can also use it in the home to descale and clean shower heads, kettles washing machines etc.

It is very safe and a relatively new product with no after taste. You can put it through all your water systems in your caravan, in fact anywhere where water has been.

If you look through the topics carefully you can find other advise from other members as we all have our own ideas which is the best!

Hope this helps Joyce
Jan 3, 2007
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Will....I keep my van at home so it is easier to prepare. Just before our first trip I quarter fill the aqua roll with a mild solution of water mixed with Milton baby bottle steralizer. (you can also use any supermarket brand, usually cheaper) I run this through the system and leave the system primed overnight. Then run through plenty of fresh water to flush the solution mix out.

Also, before I winter the van, I run a disinfectant solution into the waste water pipes, blocking off the exit route, so all the pipes are full of the solution up to the sink points. This helps to clear out food debris that may get stuck in the ribbed pipes. Again I leave it overnight and then flush through to clear any loosened deposits.

If you have a filter on your inlet it is always best to fit a new one at the start of the season.

May 18, 2006
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Will, I use the stuff used to sterilise babies bottles. Each time I collect my van I put some in the aquaroll and pump it through all the water system. I then leave it overnight and give the whole system a flush with fresh water the following day.

I also put disinfectant down all the drains.

The sterilising solution does not get rid of the calcuim in the system so as Joyce said you can get more specialised cleaners from caravan dealers that will do that job.

Aug 25, 2006
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I use "Puriclean" which does the same job but is probably a little more aggressive,and as you mix it yourself you can be a little more cavalier ( as opposed to a little cavalier) with the concentration.

I don`t think it`s recommended for hot water tanks, but I`ve used it for over 20 years without problems and it really cleans the pipes. Having the van at home means I can copiously flush the system, which is where I suspect the caution in using in a hot water tank comes from.


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