Stolen Caravan

Jun 30, 2006
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I would like to let all the caravaners in central Scotland to keep an eye on your vans. Ours was stolen from storage between the week leading up to Easter and Easter Monday. Its been reported to the police, CRIS and insurance company. We were told by the police that it's been going on in the region for a few weeks. We are gutted because we have lost everything, we have only had the van 9 months and it was a Bailey ranger 510/4 not brand new but new to us. 30 odd years of equipment all gone plus a new awing only used 3 times. We had wheel locks hitch lock and a leg lock all fittied in place but its gone. So please keep a check on your vans.
Feb 24, 2007
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Hi Yvonne ,

I am really sorry to hear about your van and accesories being stolen ... We all work our butts off to achieve a goal and i cannot imagine how you felt when you found out .. these people are just scumbags , pondlife .

I hope you get it back intact and good luck to you and your family.

Apr 15, 2005
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So sorry to hear about your caravan and especially about the items inside which will include things that you can not replace.

We had ours stolen 4 years ago from the garden and it too had every security device on it but if they want it they will take it what ever you do to protect it.

I took quite a long time to get over the loss especialy as we had only just got married and the items in the caravan were wedding presents from caravanning friends.

But I have and I am sure in time you will too and we went on to buy another caravan.

So please do not let them stop you from the hobby you enjoy and I hope that you buy another caravan and continue to take your holidays that way.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Yvonne, sorry to hear about your van now in the hands of some parasite, but in which area was your van stored. Central as in Falkirk area ?
Jun 30, 2006
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Thanks for you all for your kind words. I feel worse today because it is hit home the van's gone. Yes it was the Falkirk area. Police was saying that it been going on the last few weeks, a number of van have gone missing. I will have to go now but I will get back on the site a bit later on.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Yvonne, I take it that is the site ex farm mid-way between The Big Smoke and Bo'ness. I asked about the other site because thats where we keep ours and its only when you here things like this closer to home that sets off the panic.If its any consolation, I would'nt want my van back after being stolen because you dont know what you'll be getting after the reptiles have had their way with it.

Cheers Geordie.
Jun 30, 2006
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Hi Yvonne, I take it that is the site ex farm mid-way between The Big Smoke and Bo'ness. I asked about the other site because thats where we keep ours and its only when you here things like this closer to home that sets off the panic.If its any consolation, I would'nt want my van back after being stolen because you dont know what you'll be getting after the reptiles have had their way with it.

Cheers Geordie.
Hi Geordie, yes you are right. I have been sitting all night trying to fill in the insurance forms. I am so drained trying to remember everything in the van. I did not know that so much stuff could be jammed in. It's silly things I had forgotten about like gas bottles and key, tools, first aid box, jack pads, spare wheel and hoover. I would do things differently next time I would make out a folder with a list of everything and have a photo and receipt stapled together. We have never made a claim before so I don't know how long it will be before we can try to start again. I am just so sick. It been one hell of a week I am so low I don't know if I want another van at the moment. I have a furenal tomorrow. I think once that's over I can start thinking what we do next.


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