Stolen vans

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Mar 14, 2005
I really feel sorry for you all on the other side of the Channel. There's someone a couple of hundred yards further up our road who got himself a brand new caravan and it has been parked there by the roadside for probably 3 or 4 months by now - no hitchlock, no clamps, and it's still there.
Dec 23, 2008
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Where do you live Shangri-La or Utopia?

We've 1 Europe, why do we need locks and alarms here?

Or is EUtopia just a few kilometres beyond the channel tunnel?

Answers on a postcard please {:)
Mar 14, 2005
I've got my own caravan standing without a hitchlock or clamps in a storage site which is surrounded only by rusty chicken wire and where the padlock would surrender at the first sight of a bolt cutter. Nevertheless, in the 16 years that I've used this storage site I've only heard of one stolen caravan - and there are about 70 or 80 there to choose from, none of which have more than a hitchlock, if at all.
Mar 14, 2005
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Some people will do anything to steal your van.

Last November we were living in a caravan on our front drive, whilst our house is undergoing flood repairs and it was stolen, lock, stock and barrel, including all our possessions, clothing and the family pet. It was a traumatic experience for all our family, hopefully never to be repeated. The insurance company had not put any security devices on it at all, it was nose down the drive, with an steep incline out of the drive. It was also a very heavy twin axle Besscarr Cameo 635, which needed 6 men to steal - seen by my neighbour, who rang 999, yet the police took 20 minutes to come out and didn't raise the local helicopter. Everything gone, in a couple of minutes. If it hadn't happened to us - I wouldn't have believed anyone could stoop so low. What would have happened if my kids had been inside it? I had only been out of the van about 20 minutes.

Scumbags - the lot of them.
Mar 14, 2005
I've got my own caravan standing without a hitchlock or clamps in a storage site which is surrounded only by rusty chicken wire and where the padlock would surrender at the first sight of a bolt cutter. Nevertheless, in the 16 years that I've used this storage site I've only heard of one stolen caravan - and there are about 70 or 80 there to choose from, none of which have more than a hitchlock, if at all.
ps: Never ever seen anyone using clamps here. I wouldn't know where to buy them even if I wanted to.


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