There are many here who are either supportive or against the recent public sector strike. However in my opinion there are many factors to be considered:
1) Only a small minority of union members made the effort to strike - does this mean that the majority are satisfied with what is happening or are too unconcerned to bother?
2) The union leaders are not losing out on their salary or fat pension - they have feathered their bed at the expence of the union member.
3) As in private industry there are too many "fat cats" at the top of public sector services who are raking in fat salaries and pensions.
4) Percentage salary increase will not work as 5% of £30000 (teacher's average salary) will obviously be far less than 5% of £120000 salary (head teacher;s average salary)
5) Forget taking a professional job - become a LA Councilor, be elected on a few committees and take home over £50000 with no worries of a cut in income. On leaving should they be voted out of office they will recieve a nice little pension for their time in office.
6) Money invested into public service should be for the majority staff to enjoy a living wage i.e. those at the bedside, chalk face, crime, etc. and not to make the fat cats fatter.
7) Whether the public service is privatised or note is immaterial, casing point being the energy companys and the profits, salaries and bonus being paid to the chairpersons, etc. Same will happen to health, education, etc.
8) As previously stated the government, whether it be blue, red or sky blue pink should prioritise with our finances - we are giving billions to India in overseas aid whilst India is giving billions to African states. India is now one of the richest countries in the western world. Lets look after ourselves for a change - charity does begin at home.
9) Lets get out of the EU - this is costing us billions - Germany has now achieved what Hitler tried to achieve in 1939-45. Germany are trying their damnest to rule Europe - our fathers would be turning in their graves if they could see what is happening to European countries these days. We were promised a referendum on Europe at the election - where is it? what has happened to it?
I could go on but I feel that at this point in time I should give some others a chance to comment therefore for the time being - RANT OVER