Hi Phillip, these type of awnings are not made to fit snug, so do tend to flap around, however they are great awnings and to help fix the problem as said above i used some velcro tape. A roll of Velcro tape comes just like sellotape does in a roll, however as you peel it off and cut the length you require you have 2 pieces, both with sticky backs to stick to something, just like the awning and caravan. so i cut several short bits, put one side of it on the caravan and the other I stuck onto the awning, this when pressed together, obviously velcro'd together as mentioned the awning to the caravan, i put several bits up and down both caravan and awning, now after putting up the awning all I do now is press the velcro bits together to help keep the awning pressed against the caravan. Obviously this does not give a full secure snug fit but does help and has suited my needs. hope this helps and you enjoy your awning. Cheers! Andrew.