Oct 8, 2010
Hi all, i am an experianced caravanner but new to rallying, well i say new, i used to go with my grandparents years ago, they were very active members of swcc (south wales caravan club) i went on my first rally back in January, what a great club! wish i had done it years ago, the people were freindly, welcoming and helpfull. i joined in everything i could to get the full experiance and i was not dissapointed, last week i joined the commitee and now the skys the limit! but one consern is the lack of members, the club has over 1000 but only a small propotion of this number rally regularly. This year swcc are holding the Welsh National rally and the numbers attending from ours and other centres is much lower than in years gone by, should his trend continue then i worry for the future or the rally, weekends are being cancled due to lack of numbers! why? what has changed and how can we get people to try joining these clubs?


Nov 12, 2009
You made a good start by posting about it here on the Practical Caravan forum because if nobody knows about you then nobody will come to your events. Try using caravan forums to give details of your meets and events, print off some leaflets and leave them in caravan accessory shops and try to hold rallies not too far from home with interesting themes (judging by your username why not stage a 1940s event?) If there are bigger attractions such as steam fairs, music festivals or even beer festivals try to find rally sites close by and tie in your rallies with these events.
Aug 4, 2004
Perhaps it is because modern people now prefer to have EHU hookups instead of being without EHU all weekend. After all you have piad for a caravan with EHU so why not use it? Parksey almost persuaded us but after watching a rally going on in the field next to us, no thanks.

PS The field was not muddy etc as it was on Fosseway Farm in Moreton in Marsh!
Mar 8, 2009
We have been rallying for 30+ years and done some 700 rallies, (mainly they were 12 volt rallies). But the last few years our rallying has diminished to virtually nil. We are now in our top sixties, and find weekend rallies not worth it to us. Was different when we were working. But we find that a two day weekend rally to be a waste of effort & money to us, as you are going away Friday afternoon and back Sunday + a few gallons of diesel, and the associated effort of setting up and packing up etc. Have done a couple of rallies this year the first was on a full facilities site in Scotland (8 days), and one on the Lincs. coast, finishing last Sunday(5 days)which we marshalled, (our last marshalling now retired after doing dozens over the years) No, I have got into being used to being attached to that orange umbilical cord over the last few years and the ease of life it gives – if you like your computer and tv and any other home comforts you need. No more battery management, yes I have solar panel and even a generator (which I hate, and even if it is a quiet one, it has been used for emergency supply at home more than it has ever been used on a rally field ) Just remember “quiet” is relative, there are no silent generators When we were rallying it was great, made many friends whom we could never have met any other way, and literally 1000’s of acquaintances up and down the country which we would not have done without rallying. But now we have moved on, still doing 160 – 180 nights a year in the van, but now use cls and quiet sites. We now like our 240 volt caravanning, could still do 12 volt caravanning but unlikely to again.


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