swift 554 vs pegasus verona


Mar 14, 2005
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The best one is the one that the individual owner thinks is best.
What anyone else thinks is immaterial.
As with all caravan related issues, it is down to personal choice.
Mar 9, 2012
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Mikaroony said:

i am just wondering which one of these two nice caravans are better

interior quality


Hi Mikaroony. You do not indicate what experience you have of caravanning/towing,if any.
What is your tow vehicle?
Caravan weights are very much dictated by what you have as a tow-vehicle/tug.
An opinion is often a very personal one, the best is not necessarily the one that some other individual owner thinks is the best. In some cases that owner will have already committed their monies and will not be particularly keen on disclosing a fatal error of judgement.
That error of judgement is often as a result of an impulse buy and hopelessly insufficient research on the internet and asking of questions before the event but more importantly,that error of judgement can often but later seen as a result getting answers that make little or no sense.
Do your research but in your own good time. If necessary join the owners clubs for the marque and ask many many questions and especially about the attitude of the manufacturer and their dealers when it comes to making claims against warranties. Research other forums and evaluate from a wider audience/caravanning public.
Dealers will promise al-sorts and give bucketfuls of reassurances when they sniff a sale and their senses of smell are even stronger when they see an over keen potential buyer and if Mrs Mikaroony is jumping with joy and enthusiasm then your game is decided and the sales people will move in like a shark when blood is detected.
Spend in haste and without research and repent for a rather long time.
Internal layout is very much a personal thing and needs really serious consideration,the wrong one can be an expensive 'Get Rid Of' exercise.
Unless you are very knowledgeable about caravans or have a very good friend that is seriously consider a a well established dealer.
Familiarise yourself with the Sale of Goods Act,a dealer is very rarely your friend. The Sale of Goods Act just might have to be.


Mar 14, 2005
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Ref the above post by The Travelling Rooster.
If you had looked at Mikaroonys signature you would have seen that he is 15 years old.
That fact rules out what tow car he has, and what his wife thinks !!!!
Also, SOGA will not apply as he is too young to legally enter into any contracts with anyone.
As for the rest of the posting, it is all off topic ,he asked specifically about two caravans.
Neither was mentioned in your reply.
Mar 9, 2012
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Damian-Moderator said:
Ref the above post by The Travelling Rooster.
If you had looked at Mikaroonys signature you would have seen that he is 15 years old.
That fact rules out what tow car he has, and what his wife thinks !!!!
Also, SOGA will not apply as he is too young to legally enter into any contracts with anyone.
As for the rest of the posting, it is all off topic ,he asked specifically about two caravans.
Neither was mentioned in your reply.

Hi Damian. I must confess that I had seen the signature and dismissed it as a typo or a wind-up and especially as the 'Rank is listed as :- Rank: Expert Boarder.
As far as the potential marriage status goes the member could be either male or female,I am guilty of assuming - something that I very rarely do;that it was a male.
Mikaroony was asking for some rather 'Adult' and potential caravanner's buyers information,I thought it a little odd for a fifteen year old. The question could of course form part of a school project and be a coursework element.
Indeed and until the Mystery Person comes clean with a bit more info or someone that knows of him or her becomes a whistle-blower then we are all in the dark,therefore all other relevant facts around towing,driving licenses and marriage are in limbo.
As for my absence of Swift 544 or Bailey Pegasus Verona input,I must also confess that I know absolutely nothing about either and as such would never dare to assume that I did.
Both Swift and Bailey caravans have been the focus of my attention of late but not either of those two specific models. I have looked at the Bailey Barcelona and the Swift equivalent.
My address to Mikaroony was more in general terms and indeed would apply to whichever make/model/configuration that eventually exited him/her to part with monies or negotiate a loan for.
Nov 4, 2013
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TheTravellingRooster said:
Damian-Moderator said:
Ref the above post by The Travelling Rooster.
If you had looked at Mikaroonys signature you would have seen that he is 15 years old.
That fact rules out what tow car he has, and what his wife thinks !!!!
Also, SOGA will not apply as he is too young to legally enter into any contracts with anyone.
As for the rest of the posting, it is all off topic ,he asked specifically about two caravans.
Neither was mentioned in your reply.

Hi Damian. I must confess that I had seen the signature and dismissed it as a typo or a wind-up and especially as the 'Rank is listed as :- Rank: Expert Boarder.
As far as the potential marriage status goes the member could be either male or female,I am guilty of assuming - something that I very rarely do;that it was a male.
Mikaroony was asking for some rather 'Adult' and potential caravanner's buyers information,I thought it a little odd for a fifteen year old. The question could of course form part of a school project and be a coursework element.
Indeed and until the Mystery Person comes clean with a bit more info or someone that knows of him or her becomes a whistle-blower then we are all in the dark,therefore all other relevant facts around towing,driving licenses and marriage are in limbo.
As for my absence of Swift 544 or Bailey Pegasus Verona input,I must also confess that I know absolutely nothing about either and as such would never dare to assume that I did.
Both Swift and Bailey caravans have been the focus of my attention of late but not either of those two specific models. I have looked at the Bailey Barcelona and the Swift equivalent.
My address to Mikaroony was more in general terms and indeed would apply to whichever make/model/configuration that eventually exited him/her to part with monies or negotiate a loan for.

What do you want to know?
Mar 9, 2012
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All personal questions removed
It is completely out of order to ask such questions on a forum when YOU have replied having not taken notice of the OP signature.
Mar 14, 2005
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Mikaroony said:

i am just wondering which one of these two nice caravans are better

interior quality


There is an old adage, "one man's meat is another man's poison" and it very pertinently describes the dilemma posed by the criteria in your questions.

Bearing in mind that customers buy caravans from dealers, not manufacturers, the customers experiences of aftesales services is not directly related to the make of caravan, but more the dealership they purchase it from. It is therefore of no help to answer your question against a specific model or make of caravan.

Interior Quality,
I shall start to answer this criteria with a paraphrased adage:- "Quality, like beauty is in the eye of the beholder" ISO 9000’s definition of quality is “degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirement” So in the case where a customer is choosing between two competing products in essence the customer decides what aspects of the products are important and then evaluates how close each product gets to meeting them. The problem for manufacturers is, they don't know exactly what each customer wants. So different customers will have their own preferences and do choose differently. Sadly we do know All the major UK caravan manufacturers do have issues with product consistency, so even consecutive caravans of the same production line can present very differently to customers.

For a number of years now the law has prevented manufacturers from setting fixed retail prices. The price you pay for a product is set by the retailer who sells it. That is why you can find the same product being sold by several retailers but at slightly different prices. So in the context of your question, the best price for each model may be different depending on where you look. It can also be affected by what 'extras' the dealer offers. If you change your criteria a little to "Best value" then a different picture may emerge, the concept of value looks at more than just price.

This is the only criteria you list that has some greater confidence about it, but again its not quite a black and white answer. Essentially the maximum weight of caravan a customer can tow is determined by the tow car they intend to use. Consequently some caravanners considering both caravans will be limited to only being able to tow the lighter van. Then some caravanners will want to heed the industry advice and not exceed a tow ratio of 85%. This will further limit their choices. Then there will be some who find they can choose either van, in which case the weights are largely immaterial. You may have meant the available payloads, well again that depends on what each caravanner wants to take away with them.

I have only touched on few concerns of caravanners and there are more, so you see its very unlikely anyone can make a safe generalised preference for one model over the other, it is down to personal choice based on considering your own personal requirements or preferences.

If you think about it, if for example there was a universally accepted best car - we would all be driving it. The variety of cars on the roads shows that no one manufacturer has the monopoly of what 'best' the cars we choose are for our own individual reasons.


Mar 17, 2007
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Mikaroony said:

i am just wondering which one of these two nice caravans are better

interior quality


Hi Mickarooney; glad to see that you have made it on to the new forum with your "which is better" questions. Everyone needs an interest. I haven't owned either of these particular vans, but I have had a different Swift in the past. I think that I prefer the styling of the Swifts in comparison to Baileys but that is just personal taste. One would hope that the alu tech construction of Bailey would mean an end to damp but a friend of mine has a Bailey Unicorn, less than a year old, and there is damp at the back. She is not a happy bunny.
Mar 9, 2012
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WoodlandsCamper said:
See the answers to the question you asked in February

Hi WC. Thank you. That explains a great deal and being that I had not been following the original February item I was clearly very much in the dark. Let there be light and all will see that which is there but otherwise concealed.
It is amazing how one can appear to be so knowledgeable to new comers or even non regular users when in fact - they the knowledgeable ones are simply armed with prior knowledge.


Mar 14, 2005
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Lets not get into making detrimental comments about posters.
As far as I see things the OP did not ask what your personal opinion of him was, he was asking, maybe repetitively, about two caravans.
As the youngest user of the forum it is quite refreshing to have his input. Everyone has to learn some way,not all are born knowing everything !!
I may say also that many of the questions asked on the forum are repetitive, tedious, obscure ,liberal and laughable and they are from much senior posters.

I also think that you owe him an apology.
Feb 3, 2008
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Damian-Moderator said:
Lets not get into making detrimental comments about posters.
As far as I see things the OP did not ask what your personal opinion of him was, ......
I also think that you owe him an apology.

I take back what I said, however I was commenting on the 'postings' and not the 'poster'.
Mar 14, 2005
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TheTravellingRooster said:
It is amazing how one can appear to be so knowledgeable to new comers or even non regular users when in fact - they the knowledgeable ones are simply armed with prior knowledge.

Google defines "knowledgeable" as

1. intelligent and well informed.

Its not simply having 'knowledge' but equally about knowing how to sort it, evaluate it and use it.


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