Swift Conqueror 650 Lux onboard tank won't keep water in... help

Jul 10, 2008
We bought a 2004 Swift Conqueror at the beginning of May. It is still under dealer's warranty but we have it on a seasonal pitch and don't particularly want to tow it home to get looked at if there is an easy or cheap fix for the problem.

Ever since we've had it, when we fill the onboard tank from the aquaroll the control panel says we have a full onboard tank. However, half an hour later the water has all drained back out. We think it is going back into the aquaroll.

We've checked all the plumbing and we have all the valves set to the right position and we are getting hot water fine when the tank has just been filled.

If we run the taps with the outboard pump they work fine.

Does anyone have any tips? this problem is so annoying when you want to wash your hands in the middle of the night or take a shower

Also, is there any other way of running the outboard tank other than from in the wardrobe? It seems so stupid that the switch is in there - totally inconvenient.


Mar 21, 2008
Having no experience of onboard tanks, I will probably be able to offer no help - but I won't let that stop me interfering!

When you have filled the tank are you supposed to disconnect the pump, or should it be permanently connected?

If permanently connected should you leave it switched on?

I'm only trying to think of the ways an inboard tank could work (having no experience of them), and can only imagine that either:

- You connect the pump to the aquaroll and caravan, switch on to fill the onboard tank, then disconnect the aparatus and maybe fill the aquaroll ready for next time, or

- Have the pump and aquaroll permanently connected (like on a fully serviced pitch), and have the onboard tank being constantly filled up.

On balance I think the first setup is most likely, to avoid the risk of the pump running dry.

I hope you don't mind me flooding you with my ignorance, but sometimes a second opinion maybe helpful!
Jul 10, 2008
THanks for answering so promptly!

I think the former is whaty ou're supposed to do but when we disconnect the aquaroll pump we can see the water dribbling out of the bit on the outside of the van that you connect to. It's like there's a non-return valve that isn't working. We were wondering whether it could just be a case of replacing the connection on the outside of the van but would have no idea where to get one from.

We can't leave the outboard pump running as it is quite noisy and seems to make a rather unhappy noise unless the taps are running.
Mar 21, 2008
I found this, which may be helpful (although you probably have this information):

From looking at that site and from what you said, it may well be the case that the water is leaking past one of the valves.

Having a quick trawl round the internet, the valves (or, rather, Whale valves which may or may not be the same as yours) seem fairly easily available at under a tenner each.
Jul 31, 2006

Don't know about your Swift on board tank, but on my Bailey Indiana's on board tank there's a drain tap hidden underneath the van near to where the water inlet is, have you checked for a drain tap? I'm guessing, but there should be one to drain the tank for when you move off site & if there is one is it closed? Just a thought.

Nov 13, 2007

Not sure whether you are sorted or not but I have some information here for you.

The first thing to do is to fill the tank until the control panel says its full. Then keep on filling until you see water coming out of the overflow. This is to check to see if the water gauge is faulty.

Assuming this checks out ok, with your full tank remove the aqua roll and empty it out and then put the pump into the empty roll.This way if the water is draining back the roll will refill. If this does not happen fill the aqua roll to half full and dip the pump into the water, then pump water into the full tank for a few seconds and then switch off the pump. Leave the aqua roll and see if it refills itself. This test is to see if the aqua roll is syphoning itself via the pipes.

If in either of the last 2 tests the aqual roll is refilling then you can easily obtain a non-return valve from any dealer or accessory shop.

Assuming all the above is ok, check for any leaks at joints but you would have probably found these by now. Check your drain valves to make sure they are not weeping.

Sorry for the length, hope it is helpful




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