Swift Corniche 15/2 mains query

Jun 17, 2003
Could someone please let me know just what positions to set my 3 way Car/Blank/Van switch and the Charger switch when using mains hook-up?

The charger switch lights-up when mains is used but does this mean that the charger is actually "charging"? I have learned that the charger should only be run for a couple of hours at a time to avoid "cooking" the battery but I am unsure as to which combination of settings means that I am using mains but not charging the battery.

many thx for any help.

Jul 15, 2008

The battery should be receiving a charge from the mains charger with the caravan 3 way switch in any position, if the charger is turned on.

You can tested this by placing a 12v test bulb to the battery terminals, with the battery disconected and the charger on.

The charger will also effectively be powering any 12v appliances that are in use when it is switched on.

The charger should not cook the battery, as it automatically reverts to a tricle charge as the battery becomes more and more charged.
Jul 15, 2008

Re above post.......

Just double checked using a test bulb on my van.

My origional advice was wrong it seems and I do not want to give false information!

The mains charger only charges the battery in the van position of the 3 way switch on my van, a Swift Challenger.

Should be the same on your van but you can do the bulb test.

If the 12v bulb lights up with the mains charger on and the battery disconected, then the battery is being charged in that position off the 3 way switch.


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