Swift Corniche water problem

Jan 25, 2009
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This may be a daft question but I am a total novice to caravanning (started yesterday!). Our manual does not seem specific to the model of caravan we have.

We have bought a 1995 swift corniche which we understand has an onboard water tank. Today we have tried to get the water going but when the toggle switch is set to external pump the submersible pump keeps running until the container is empty (we repeated this 3-4 times without getting water out of any taps (we assume it is pumping into the on board tank?). When the switch is set to the internal pump the pump runs and we can get water out of the taps, however the pump does not switch off again - it keeps running! Can anyone advise what the problem is. We will only use the caravan for weekends so we dont really need a large on board tank at all and would be happy with an external container. Can the on board tank be bypassed? Thanks in advance.

Feb 6, 2007
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Hi Simon,

I have a '98 Swift Conqueror so I am going to assume that the water systems are not dissimilar. Under the bedbox adjacent to the water filling point should be a ball valve on the water pipes. Its purpose is to allow the water to either go to the onboard tank or straight to the caravn system so you need to select it to the other position.

With regards to the pump running, does this also happen when you have the external pump selected?? The pumps are usually controlled by a microswitch in the handle and these sometimes give up the ghost, if this happens whichever pump you have selected will run permanently.

Hope that this may be of some hgelp to you.


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