swine flu has hit

Nov 2, 2005
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Just learned tonight that my daughters boyfriend has swine flu. Went to work ok home by 11am.

We won't be seeing her for a while, and we are all going on hol the 19 August.

Hoping she doesn't get it, she had a nice visit to the library today though, as she is the flu buddy..
Jun 20, 2005
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Our local doctors surgery have thrown away all the waiting room magazines on the basis Swine Flu can be passed on through the mags!

Where does that leave the library???????


Jun 28, 2007
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yeah hit us last weekend.

started of as a tickly cough for me and my son for a couple of days then wham , saturday literally in a couple of hours we'd both been knocked of our feet.

The wife then caught over night - leterally went to bed OK woke up Sunday infected.

We're all on Tamiflu me and the little seem to have recovered within 2 days but the wife's not progressing as quickly but she has MS so not helpful.

Cant stress how BORED I am at being couped up for a week and amased at the differences in main symptons.

Mine was cough and aching muscles

Son was cough and barfing

Wife was aching muscles and major fatigue.

Mind you cant look a jar of apple sauce in the face now and I have this strange desire to head into the woods behind my house and search for expensive mushrooms!!!!!!


yeah hit us last weekend.

started of as a tickly cough for me and my son for a couple of days then wham , saturday literally in a couple of hours we'd both been knocked of our feet.

The wife then caught over night - leterally went to bed OK woke up Sunday infected.

We're all on Tamiflu me and the little seem to have recovered within 2 days but the wife's not progressing as quickly but she has MS so not helpful.

Cant stress how BORED I am at being couped up for a week and amased at the differences in main symptons.

Mine was cough and aching muscles

Son was cough and barfing

Wife was aching muscles and major fatigue.

Mind you cant look a jar of apple sauce in the face now and I have this strange desire to head into the woods behind my house and search for expensive mushrooms!!!!!!


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