swine flu

Jul 1, 2009
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just spent 5days in isolation with swine flu no fun ,

be awear it comes as normal flu at first.any one not sure can do a on line assesment witch you must do to be able to get the tamiflu drug.the problem is that a doctor will not let you into surgery if swine flu is suspected
Dec 14, 2006
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My son, a teacher, had confirmed Swine Flu before the summer holidays. He had a completely different experience. Lots of cases were diagnosed at his school, so he had a the required tests, Swine Flu confirmed, he refused to take Tamiflu, and was back at work, symptom free, after a couple of days off.

He was fine before he went back to work, and says it was not as bad as the only other illness he's suffered from, which was tonsillities when he was fourteen (and missed the only other day(s) off school, or work, that he's ever had).
Jul 1, 2009
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there must be diffrent range of swine flu this has knoked me for six ,i no of some people who got tamifluunder fals needs just in case my wife had to take our passports to pick up as i was not able to leave home [this is the singe off the times peopletaking the ps]
Dec 14, 2006
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I think it affects different people in different ways. For some, like you, it's a real problem, for others, like my son, it's no big deal. I do know people who rang up the helpline because they had some vague symptoms, and were told they had Swine Flu and to get Tamiflu - and they did, but in my mind they were just suffering from a normal cold. I've heard of others who have been really knocked out by it.

I hope you start feeling better soon. At least you've had it now, before it 'migrates' into something worse.
Jun 28, 2007
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There's a mis conception that every who has been diagnosed with swine flu actual has got it.

My sister in law is a occupaional health nurse for a NHS Trust and they enforced a strict swab policy for any memember of staff who showed symtoms.

Out of the 300 staff swabbed only 2 actually had a confirmed case thats despite the other 298 having been either self diagnosed on line or contacting the various helplines.

My S-I-L also said that there is another bug going around that has similar effects to swine flu but not as severe and this is being overlooked.

Having had a confirmed case of it as had my 4 year old and my wife you'll know you've really had as firstly it does knock you of your feet and secondly unlike normal flu the affects of it last a lot longer. All three of us still have coughs we cannot get rid of and this is months after contracting the bug.
Dec 14, 2006
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My son, mentioned above, was swabbed - because it was in the days before the helpline-selfdiagnosis-pickupyourtreatment-treatyourself was set up. He had a confirmed swab - but was really fortunate not to suffer any ill-effects afterwards, and only a couple of days of illness.

I suppose it's like anything else, it affects different people in different ways, which is why the helpline treatment method, although it may prevent spread, is probably over-egging the pudding as far as numbers of cases goes.
Jul 1, 2009
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it just gets better one off the symptoms is blistering around nose and mouth i have had a home vist to be told i have ainfection so when i finish tamiflu i can start on flucloxacillin.roll on spring,if you see a caravan on its own with barb wire around it its me keep clear
Oct 23, 2009
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I went to a dinner party last night, where I and other guests enjoyed copious amounts of alcohol.

I awoke this morning not feeling well, with what could be described as flu-like symptoms; headache, nausea, chills, sore eyes, etc.

From the results of some initial testing, I have unfortunately tested positive for what experts are now calling Wine Flu.

This debilitating condition is very serious - and it appears this is not an isolated case.

Reports are flooding in from all around the country of others diagnosed with Wine Flu. To anyone that starts to exhibit the aforementioned tell-tale signs, experts are recommending a cup of tea and a bit of a lie down.

However, should your condition worsen, you should immediately hire a DVD and take some Nurofen (Nurofen seems to be the only drug available that has been proven to help combat this unusual type of flu). Others are reporting a McDonald's Happy Meal can also help in some cases. If not, then further application of the original liquid, in similar quantities to the original dose, has been shown to do the trick.

Wine Flu does not need to be life threatening and, if treated early, can be eradicated within a 24-48 hour period.


If you find you are complaining a lot, it may be that it has mutated into Whine Flu. This is particularly common in men and can quickly spread to their partners where the symptoms are detected as a serious case of eye-rolling.
Aug 12, 2007
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I went to a dinner party last night, where I and other guests enjoyed copious amounts of alcohol.

I awoke this morning not feeling well, with what could be described as flu-like symptoms; headache, nausea, chills, sore eyes, etc.

From the results of some initial testing, I have unfortunately tested positive for what experts are now calling Wine Flu.

This debilitating condition is very serious - and it appears this is not an isolated case.

Reports are flooding in from all around the country of others diagnosed with Wine Flu. To anyone that starts to exhibit the aforementioned tell-tale signs, experts are recommending a cup of tea and a bit of a lie down.

However, should your condition worsen, you should immediately hire a DVD and take some Nurofen (Nurofen seems to be the only drug available that has been proven to help combat this unusual type of flu). Others are reporting a McDonald's Happy Meal can also help in some cases. If not, then further application of the original liquid, in similar quantities to the original dose, has been shown to do the trick.

Wine Flu does not need to be life threatening and, if treated early, can be eradicated within a 24-48 hour period.


If you find you are complaining a lot, it may be that it has mutated into Whine Flu. This is particularly common in men and can quickly spread to their partners where the symptoms are detected as a serious case of eye-rolling.
Hilarious!!!! I'm still laughing now.......tee hee
Dec 1, 2008
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Great to know the responsible teacher who decided not to take the medication and because he felt alright went back to school after just a couple of days. Still a carrier ??? very responsible.
Dec 14, 2006
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You can't carry Swine Flu - you're actually infectious before you start to show the symptoms. Tamiflu also doesn't 'cure' Swine Flu it just merely prevents the spread of the virus within your own body, and helps you to feel better more quickly.

His headmistress and his GP were both happy for him to return to work. He is a 'responsible' teacher, and wouldn't do anything which would put his pupils at risk - thank goodness.


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