A couple of more points smiley.
Hopefully you have pond plants because as has been pointed out, tadpoles will rasp the algae off the sides of the pond and plant leaves. They will also as they grow eat the plants.
Contrary to what some say goldfish will also kill tadpoles. They suck them in and then blow them out after crushing them with their pharangeal teeth.
Again as has been mentioned, the tadspoles as they grow (can't remember which stage) become meat eaters. You should be ok if all of your tadpoles are the same size having hatched at the same time but the larger ones will prey on smaller ones. They will also eat dead tadpoles and dead fish.
Some water beetles and dragonfly larva prey on tadpoles although I'm not too sure about damselfly larvae which I have plenty of in my pond.
The whole idea is to keep the right ecological balance regarding plant and fish life. There are so many tadpoles that some will survive. If they all did they would eventually starve.
All I do is feed them some floating fish sticks and they come back year after year. At breeding time it looks like the water is boiling in my pond although they were exactly one month late spawning this year.
They do say not to use tap water direct into your pond but I top up mine with the hose although it goes through a smaller pond and two waterfalls which aerates it.
I felt a bit sad recently after being away in the van for a few weeks. First thing I did on arrival home was mow the grass and I cut a frog in half