The end of the High Street Shops

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Nov 6, 2005
I went to order something this afternoon for 22.99 and it said I needed to spend another 2.01 for free delivery. I checked the T&CS and that said £25 was the limit.

I found a market trader there that had a slightly better product for 98p more and free delivery.
Some Amazon items are free (slowest) delivery even if under the £20/25 limit and not a Prime member - I presume the seller takes the carriage cost..

My Amazon account now states free delivery over £25 (or £10 books) so it's not a Skye, Islands or Highlands thing.
Jan 3, 2012
Just look on ebay this morning i can get 15% discount code min spend £15 and max £75 just order 10kg Pedigree Mixer for £23.49
but with discount £19.97
And free next day postage
May 7, 2012
We buy very little on line but do find it useful to send things to relatives some distance away. and often check shop prices against the web. The shops themselves are partly to blame as they often refer you to the web site for things you ask about and say there is more to choose from there. My sister in law thought she was buying some thing from Currys and then discovered the assistant who dealt with her had actually ordered this on line.
Certainly the smaller town centres around here are shadows of their former selves and Glasgow City Council seem to be making things more and more difficult to get there, although the out of town shopping centres are still doing well again by trying to be a destination rather than just shops.
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Nov 11, 2009
I’ve been out this morning looking for heather, or willow screening fencing. All our garden has 6 ft 9 inch feather board fence. But along one side is a conventional panel and post fence. It’s due to be replaced in the autumn but three of the panels are only five foot including some wooden trellis on top. This allows chinwags with our neighbours but isn’t dog proof. So I was looking for something at 6 ft height with 4 m or preferably 6 m length. None of the usual stores stock it and two specialist fencing companies could obtain it but at twice the price of eBay.
So I guess it will be an online purchase at the end of the day.
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Jun 20, 2005
I’ve been out this morning looking for heather, or willow screening fencing. All our garden has 6 ft 9 inch feather board fence. But along one side is a conventional panel and post fence. It’s due to be replaced in the autumn but three of the panels are only five foot including some wooden trellis on top. This allows chinwags with our neighbours but isn’t dog proof. So I was looking for screwing at 6 ft height with 4 m or preferably 6 m length. None of the usual stores stock it and two specialist fencing companies could obtain it but at twice the price of eBay.
So I guess it will be an online purchase at the end of the day.
Or a bit of creative diy with a wooden pallet😁


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