The Forum Whot Would Like To See On It.

Apr 11, 2005
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I am one of the people who use this forum the best I can.

I would like some changers on how it is be used and some

New thing had to it to help people out. In the past I was a

Bit up stet about some coats that two people had put. I was

Going to stop using the forum but a lot of the other user

Stuck up for me. (It was not about 4x4. it was called the magi)

The things I would like to be harder to this forum would be,

A spell check,

One name for each person & name the same,

Some had on (such has little face with dither exceptions on the)

Some one or summing to stop bad thing come on to the forum

Be for people can read them.

I hop the people who run this forum would do summing thing.

Has in the past it has seemed to heaved fell deaf earners and they

Have not sorted thing out.

So let see if we can get them to do some think this time.

Listing the thing we would like.

Then they mitt do some think.

Thank you Mark.


P,S, Only answer with good thing and keep it clean as well.
Apr 13, 2005
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Good morning Mark, the moderater has this week deleted most of the posts that you mention and has given a firm warning to the spoilers that they must not continue to degenerate the forum in to farce. for the past few days the forum has returned to its original informative concept that we had and is much better for it.

I agree with you that a spell check would be a good idea as some of us are not as good as others in this respect but i do not know how hard it is to include this, i think the publishers would have to change all forums owned by them. The moderater has also stated in the past few days that the data base is being changed so that no two people can have the same name which is very usefull as i recently found out i had the same username as another user and had to change to my new handle.

Mark do not ever feel the need to leave the forum due to others, it is them that are at fault not the genuine contributer and i do genuinely feel that the past is now behind us and this forum is once again the best on the web. keep up the good work and keep asking the questions, I am sure you will now only ever receive genuine replies. best wishes john.
Jun 7, 2005
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Why dont you try doing the text in a word doc, spell check and then paste into the comments section. That what I do for most posts.
Mar 14, 2005
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I think Marks comments say it all. If ANY user feels intimidated by another it is wrong.

If any individual uses this forum to "bash" any particular sub-group of caravanners (or any other group) it is wrong

If any indivudual uses this forum to advocate the banning of anything it is wrong

I think the Moderator let things go to far. As I have said before I could not believe that such vindictive comments were allowed on this Forum. However it does look as tho' a new start has been made.

Do not let others bully you of the forum Mark - its good to see you back and I agree with your suggestions.
Mar 14, 2005
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Don't give what we did, stopped using the forum for a while becuase of all the problems you mentioned and then returned again this week now that things seem to be starting to return to normal. From what I can see, most if not all of the new posts are now sensible with good answers.

P & R
Apr 11, 2005
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some one has stared to use my name to get at other people. In The tow car part. so yet agan I will be chagring my nick name.

How long will it take for moderater to sort thing out.

Mar 14, 2005
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some one has stared to use my name to get at other people. In The tow car part. so yet agan I will be chagring my nick name.

How long will it take for moderater to sort thing out.

There appears to be 2 Maz's on this forum. Myself using a cpaital 'M' and you using a lower case 'm'. I do not believe any of my posts have been to 'get at' anyone. I have been posting now for several months, while you I think, are fairly new, so I would appreciate it if you would change your nickname, it would save the confusion for other forum users. Thanks.
Mar 16, 2005
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some one has stared to use my name to get at other people. In The tow car part. so yet agan I will be chagring my nick name.

How long will it take for moderater to sort thing out.

I think Maz has ansered your question. It might be a good idea for you to change your nickname. Thanks.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Mark

Glad you haven't given up.

Regarding a spell checker, you could type your message in msword and use that spell checker and then cut and paste into the forum. Personally I have no problem with your posts as they are.


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