The new Practical Caravan website...

Nov 12, 2013
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Hi all! Fancy a sneak preview of the new Practical Caravan website? We're changing how we review caravans and there'll also be an all new travel section about caravan holidays in the UK. Please let us know what you think - using the 'feedback' button - and we will incorporate your views as we put the finishing touches to it over the coming weeks. We will listen to what you say, so please hit that 'feedback' button and get involved in the development of the site, we really do want your views. It's still a work in progress but we hope you like it! Please click HERE and take a look. Thank you!


Nov 12, 2009
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The overall look is less cluttered which is good, as is the fact that caravan specifications are included plus a few pro's and cons. For the travel reviews the fact that they will be all on one website rather than a separate site has to be better, a minor niggle is that to me the inclusion of an interactive map seems a waste of time and resources. If a caravanner isn't sure where say, Cornwall is then whatever the review says is going to go over their head anyway.
I'd like to see an online classified section included, PCv had a well respected 'caravans for sale' section but it was administered externally so it became neglected and allowed to fall into disrepair event though many website users wished to use it.
A classified accessory section for things like used awnings, accessories etc; would be a good addition and an email alert system plus a private message facility would be a must if the forum is continued onto this new site.
I'm sure that fellow forumites will come up with other suggestions, not too ribald I hope in view of our current software difficulties.
Nov 12, 2013
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Thanks, Parksy, for taking the time to reply. I'm glad that, overall, you're happy with it and your thoughts will definitely go into the mix as we continue to develop the website and add content. And, yes, we hope to have a classifieds listing before too long.

Does anyone else have any thoughts?
Aug 4, 2004
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I agree regarding the classified section as that is how we managed to sell our caravan within less than a week of advertising it. I wonder if reviews will be "live in" reviews and not a quick glance around the inside of a caravan.
Mar 14, 2005
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Yes PVC website is fine and good but what about devoting some time and resource to our Forum which is clunky in the extreme and lacks a decent search facility. Steve and Damian do an excellent job as Mods as I tried to in my brief spell as one, but they should not have to struggle as they do.

The search facility is a particular joke resulting in many dupicate postings, whereas it shoud be the 'crown jewel' of the site. I have been caravanning since 1967 and much appreciate the contacts, but well understand the frustration of posters reading a question and thinking 'I've answered that problem x times over the past y years, why don't they just look at preivous answers ?'

Movers, dampness, Sale of Goods Act, gas safety, TV antennas are just a few of the topics which come into thiscategory.
Nov 12, 2013
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Hi Ray and thanks for the feedback. A new forum is also in the pipeline! The website you can see only carries reviews and travel, we've still got to add news, blogs and other sections and, importantly, a forum. Please be assured that this is something we are working towards and we appreciate very much your patience.
May 7, 2012
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It does look cleaner and more friendly than the old one. I did get an e mail regarding the caravan tests and did make a couple of suggestions in reply on that but nothing serious.


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