The truth

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Dec 9, 2007

We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

However,I admire the fervour with which you defend your pets.

The research you have carried out,though fairly irrelevant,must have taken some time and effort,for which I applaud you.

Regards, Dave.


In answer to your question, who knows? And a bit of good natured banter never did any harm,did it.
Jan 19, 2008
"No doubt you like some others scoop the poop"!

Correct Sadie, 100%.

"I have never ever known cats who do not dig and cover their toilet".

I can assure you Sadie that is a favourite of cat owners but as others will testify they don't all bury it :O)
Mar 26, 2008

We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

However,I admire the fervour with which you defend your pets.

The research you have carried out,though fairly irrelevant,must have taken some time and effort,for which I applaud you.

Regards, Dave.


In answer to your question, who knows? And a bit of good natured banter never did any harm,did it.
I don't think research from acknowledged reliable expert sources that are also recognised by the RSPB and other experts on bird life is "irrelevant".

Because I like cats does not mean I am not a bird lover or have no knowledge aboot wild birds.

Research as you call it, was minimal. I just have and old Scientist Ornithologist friend from my school days who knows what she is talking about.
Mar 26, 2008
Lord B, as a married couple we have had in at leats 16 cats and as youngsters a whole lot more between our families.

You must have rogue cats around your area. I have just never known it in all my days.

A tip for you, I friends who breed pedigree cats and suffered from unwanted callers in the garden. They spiked the fence and chased them and came up with verious devices to deter the visiting cats, but nothing stopped them calling.

On holdiday in France they came across some kids playing around the camp site with very powerfull pump action water soaker guns.

Back home they kept watch and when the cats came a calling they quietly poked ready gun out of a window and soaked them.

Cats are not keen on water and they soon wised up.

Good quality american air spud pellet gun works well to, it does not harm a cat or dog, but they can't work out what has nipped them and soon move on.
Jan 19, 2008
I could have saved your friends the trouble of spiking their fence Sadie. I did it many years ago. I took off the top rail of the fence and hammered nails through so they were sticking up, one every inch, it took me hours.

I did this because after the time spent weeding, breaking the soil into a tilth and seeding a lawn next doors moggy was dumping on it and no, not digging and burying it although that wouldn't make any difference in this case.

The following day next doors ginger moggy was like the proverbial Cheshire cat, grinning at me and lying on the nails like an Indian fakir. The b******d thing even used my lean-to greenhouse as a launch pad to catch birds.

I had the last laugh though :O)


What was the last laugh? Did you kill the beast and make it into a coffee table?
Dec 9, 2007
I don't think research from acknowledged reliable expert sources that are also recognised by the RSPB and other experts on bird life is "irrelevant".

Because I like cats does not mean I am not a bird lover or have no knowledge aboot wild birds.

Research as you call it, was minimal. I just have and old Scientist Ornithologist friend from my school days who knows what she is talking about.

We can all wheel out 'experts' and all trot off 'facts & figures'.

Here's a couple : Cats are responsible for upto 275million known prey items per year of which some 55million are birds. Figures not plucked out of the air but supplied in a recent report by the Mammal Society.

Question: If cats were not a problem and didn't behave as they do,would companies be selling cat-deterent devices both chemical and electronic?

Question: If cats are not a problem for wildlife,why have you put bell collars on yours?

Nobody is saying that cats are the sole cause of mortality for wildlife.Please re-read my first couple of posts.

As I said before,we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one or we'll still be at it at midnight.



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