The Zig c.f.8 electrics question

Jul 20, 2008
just downloaded the manual for the zig cf8 and it says in its features

"Mains voltage 12volts convertion - up to 4.5 amps continuous current"

does this mean i can only run upto 230v x 4.5 amp = 1035 watts of equipment at one time when connected to the mains

here is the link to the manual if that helps you help me

if this is the case is there any way of increasing this as it seems very small amount of watts.

thanks Richard
Jul 20, 2008
I think i figure it out it also says mains battery charging 12 amps depending on battery state giving me over 2700 watts on mains but if someone could clarify i'm right


Dont want to blow the fuses on my first trip
Mar 14, 2005
It makes more sense to me if it means 4.5A at 12v max output, this is about what I'd expect, I would be very surprised if it meant at 240v
Mar 14, 2005
Hello Richard,

I agree that the features list on the front page is not clear and might be ambiguous, but if you read through the rest of the booklet under mains connection you will see it needs to be fused at 3A. Further, if you look at the supplied system diagram, the only output from the CF8 is a nominal 12VDC. So without any doubt the reference to 4.5A is the output current on the 12V dc circuits.

The model and booklet are quite old now (at least 10 years old and probably nearer 20), and this model of unit is no longer fitted to caravans.

Although the booklet claims it can be used without a battery, it does state that it is recommended a battery should be fitted, and from past experience I know that the output from this model is not kind to any electronic controls found in most modern caravans. Fundamentally this is a battery charger, and I have to say that it should always be used with a battery in circuit to provide the necessary smoothing to the DC output.
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Again,

I should have added that the CF8 has no control over the mains supply in the caravan, it only controls the 12V dc systems.


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