Thefts at Clumber park

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Mar 14, 2005
Paul, the sad thing is despite all the warnings , try and book a pitch on the weekends they are always full up ,so the general public do not appear to be worried with the occasional thefts, that take place.

In fairness to the caravan club, they did at great expense erect on each pitch the metal stands which people could attach their bykes to and padlock, but several times when out early walking with the dog I have seen bikes just parked unlocked on the grass verges.
Jun 28, 2007
In a strange way I'm quite glad this post has been made.

I have to admit to being a tad lazy when its come to securing my property on site. Nievely thinking "I'm on a club site so all patrons must be honest and the site must be in an idyllic area so nothing will get stolen"

Thanks for the post , as I prepare the van this weekend ready for the new season , I'll be paying extra attention to how to protect my belongings.

PS Have to say went to Clumber a few years ago and not thinking twice , thought those metal hoops are a good idea. Then realised when I cycled the back road into Worksop why!!!!! needless to say even though a nice site I'd think twice before going again.
Dec 10, 2005
Still no response from the CC (theres a suprise!)

Whats the point of having somewhere to chain stuff to, if the thieves have no fear of wandering round the site at night with a pair of bolt croppers?

No one wants sites to be like prison camps, but surely some cctv or night patrols isn't to much to ask?
May 21, 2007
If nothing is being done about the thefts then the Caravan Club should sell the site to private enterprise.Then see what happens.

As for us, the caravanning community,we have the freedom of choice of not using the site,thus depriving these cretins of easy income.

One last suggestion.Why don't we sit around drinking and putting the world to rights,and then in a fit of bravado( after a few drinks )wait in ambush,catch em in the act,tie em to some trees,and then call the police.Simple really.One could even leave some bikes in an open space as bait.
Jan 19, 2008
Somehow I don't think that would work Pat. Once you lay a finger on them it will be you who gets arrested and then they sue you for compromising their "human rights". I say "human" lightly because theres more intelligent life crawls out of a toilet bowl than these smackheads.
Aug 16, 2006
would it be possible to not only use a bike lock but to thread a wire with an alarm alonside the lock so a thief would have to cut through this as well, setting off the alarm. If the thefts are taking place at night then the theives are banking on everyone being asleep and not hearing them. Iam not sure where you would buy such a device but I am sure I have seen them advertised for use on brief cases.
Mar 4, 2006
would it be possible to not only use a bike lock but to thread a wire with an alarm alonside the lock so a thief would have to cut through this as well, setting off the alarm. If the thefts are taking place at night then the theives are banking on everyone being asleep and not hearing them. Iam not sure where you would buy such a device but I am sure I have seen them advertised for use on brief cases.
Towsure sell a lock to do just .that
Mar 14, 2005
We were also there last weekend. We were staying on the row between the toilet block and the barrier leading out (middle of the site). We notice on Sunday morning when packing away that one of the lockss connecting the two adult bikes had been tampered with. They had tried to cut through the wire. We have now been on E-bay and ordered a heavy duty chain (may not work) but they will not stop us returning to one of our favorite sites. What is worth bearing in mind is the equipment we keep in our awnings. BBQ's, heaters, chairs even expensive walking gear, its frightening really how much we trust our campers and more importantly in this case the environment we are in.
Nov 6, 2006
I am sure the problem doesn't lie with fellow caravanners but with the fact that much of Clumber Park backs on to woodland with footpaths, tracks and bridleways. Any scumbag could enter the site through any of the gates leading in to the woods.

While theft has always been a potential problem, it sounds as if it has become worse recently. Such a shame as it's a nice site. Without a six foot high fence topped with razor wire, it's difficult to see what the CC can do. I really don't think patrolling security guards is the answer. The cost would be prohibitive and folk wouldn't be prepared to pay extra.
Mar 4, 2006
Mountain bikes are the main target for the thieves, as they are easy to get rid of down the pub. BBQ's and camping equipment are more easily recognised as to where it came from.
Jun 25, 2005

We have stopped at Clumber Park a number of times, we were warned about possible theft on site. There are so many gates from the site to the adjoining woodland that the theives don't need to pass the main enterance to the site. What about a lock on the gates from the site to the adjoining woodland. People stopping on site pay a refundable deposite for a key to the gates. Keys have pitch numbers on them. I think Chatsworth cc has a locked gate between the site and grounds of Chatsworth for which you need a key if my memory serves me correctly. I've never heard of theft at Chatsworth cc. Just an idea

Mar 14, 2005
Just got back from Clumber today and the thefts are still ongoing.

Apparently there was a queue outside the wardens office last weekend of people wanting to see the police!

Last night wheels and lights were stolen.

The wardens were offering to store bikes in the garage on site at owners own risk.

Makes you think - we won't be going back for some time if at all.
Mar 14, 2005
Ian you have convienced me that Clumber Park is no longer a safe place to park and enjoy the safe freedom of caravanning that i have enjoyed so much through my caravanning life.

We were going to use the site as a stop over two nights when heading north to Scotland in June.

The site itself I consider to be overpriced for the unsuitable conditions that are apparent there.

I have used this site in the past mainly because as a lad I used to live in Nottingham, and visited Wollaton Park one of my favourite memourys.

Switched to Ferry meadows for 1 night and Thirsk for 1 night saved myself
Jan 19, 2008
Royston, the cost of staying at Clumber is probably out of the C.C. hands. It's probably due to the rent they have to pay the National Trust. I haven't checked but I think you will find that other Trust sites, like Sandringham, are also expensive.

The security is also probably down to the Trust because of legalities.

When the C&CC had a site at Clumber they couldn't even put direction signs into the ground without a Trust person being there to risk assess them.
Aug 23, 2006
Hi I would have thought Annette's idea was good one, if the gates and any fencing are tall enough to deter thieves. We haven't visited yet so I really don't know the security. Since going semi-retired I've been caretaking at a local school and I can tell you local schools have the same problem. Unfortunately there are a small number of idiots who take it upon themselves to vandalise, thieve and general become nuisances. This combined with the modern 'energetic and keen' policing we have today leaves the rest of us to pay. Unless you surround places with 2 metre high railings and gates you've had it I'm afraid.

All the best

Mar 14, 2005
Its two years ago since we were at Clumber but during that stay two mountain bikes were stolen. The owner had chained the bikes together and locked them to the post on his pitch but they still managed to take the bikes. We were also woken one night by some idiots racing a car around the local roads. After that stay we decided that we would not visit again, its hard to enjoy a break when you are constantly worrying if your gear is going to be safe. Shame becaues the site and Clumber park are a lovely setting.
Oct 24, 2007
I have never been to this site or had any problems at any other site I have stayed on but I feel sorry for any one who has had a problem, why not wire your bikes directly to the site power supply that may sort them out?
Jun 20, 2005
Does anyone know what action if any the local police have or are taking here? Poor old Clumber sounds like a thief's paradise.


Dec 10, 2005
Last week some thieves were caught in the act (they woke the caravan owner), and some bikes have been found, which the police are trying to identify and return.

Still no reply back from the CC to my email.

It's deffo one site we wont be going to!
Jan 19, 2008
Good news to hear they were caught but I don't hold out much hope there will be a deterrent. Probably will be councelled by a social worker and told how naughty they've
Feb 2, 2008
Good news to hear they were caught but I don't hold out much hope there will be a deterrent. Probably will be councelled by a social worker and told how naughty they've
being a CC member who loves Clumber - due to the safe cycling and only 30 minutes door to door from home, I must admit, I have seen all the signs saying about things getting pinched. I feel it would be difficult to stop exit and entry via the woods, but feel it would be the only option. Don't think I would apply for the security job,patrolling clumber site at night if 2 or 3 yobs attacked me -, so feel that post earlier is best option, to invest some money in lockable gates, they could always look at reducing the number of exits to the site, and as well, by offering a secure compound would also be good, however be a pain to manage with somebody having to be around till 9.00 ish at night. Don't worry about going though - really fab site. I stay roughly every month and in 2 years, never had a problem, though I do not store anything in porch awning - and bikes are always locked up alot
Aug 2, 2005
Hi all

Thought I would update with the sad news that things at Clumber are no better than they were in February. We spent our first week there at the end of July. More thefts - several bikes stolen, but more worryingly, thieves also sliced open the front window of an awning during the night and stole handbags from a caravan. The van was unlocked, but the owners were sleeping in a pup tent in the awning. Several other members received refunds and left early as a result.

Bikes are now being locked up (between 5.30pm and 6.30pm) by the wardens, but if you are due to be there soon, please take extra care.

On a positive note, my husband confiscated a football from several lads who decided that it would be fun to see how high they could kick it inot the air (with obvious results). We did leave it on our pitch on the last day, resisting the urge to puncture it as we left :)
Oct 18, 2006
That is not the only site with security issues, last year i stayed at Akebar which is a private run site near to york, I had an aquaroll stolen now there were only one other party on the site that night and when i went to report the theft to the wardens office they had no idea as to what an aquaroll was, they were not interested in the theft, i had to pack up and move on early they take no interest in complaints
Mar 14, 2005
ive never stayed at Clumber and i never will .This site has had a bad press for some time and im amazed that people still stay there .You may think that this is handing the site over to the scum .But if no one vists the site then maybe the C/C will do something about it .It is there remit to ensure the safety and security of the members who pay to stay on their sites



Aug 16, 2006
I stayed at Clumber Park last Easter and received the theft warning from the Wardens on arrival. They were offering the facility to use a locked garage to store bikes but the access times were quite limited.

There was a full time Police presence on sight, usually with Community Officers walking round the sight but I was kept awake though most of the night by the Police Transit that drove round the sight. Still better than losing your property though.

I can't image that that level of Policing could be maintained so if it has now reduced, the theft problem has come back.


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