Thief Beaters ID System

Jan 7, 2007
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Has anyone here got the Thiefbeaters ID system on their Caravan?

I was wondering if it's worth paying for on my new van as apparently you can get a discount on your insurance if you use it as it is a sold secure ID system which is impossible to completely remove unlike CRIS markings allegedly.

I am led to belive it is similar to the Datatag system used on Motorbikes which I have on my bike as again it brings down the insurance & helps track it if stolen.

Any comments would be useful.Thanks.



Mar 14, 2005
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Caroline, unfortunately, no matter how many or what types of caravan security you have, if they want it,they will have it.

There are many caravans stolen throughout the year, every year, but sadly very few ever seem to be recovered.

Another thought is...if your van is stolen, and trashed, would you really want to see it back in that state, and would you, even if the insurance company agreed, want to use it again?

The type of people who steal vans do not care if it has security markings or not, and the chances are, within a few days it will be in its component parts and sold as spares.


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