Time to give it a rest

Mar 14, 2005
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The original complaints about entries made in the forum were basically saying that the threads were being taken up by inappropriate comments, thus detracting from the reason for the forum which is discussing caravaning.

There are however now more threads complaining about other members than there ever were containing unpopular comments.

The General section is also now filling up with this 'slanging match' which shouldn't be in that section at all as it's a website issue and not a general caravaning issue. The General section is probably the first one that anyone new to the forum would visit, so they'd wonder what in the world is going on and leave quite quickly.

I'm not going to point any fingers, but would like all entries on this argument to stop now. The ongoing arguments are by the same people and will never be resolved. I think that enough has been said and it's time to get back to what the forum is all about.

The ironic thing is that I've put this entry into the forum, which goes against what I've just said.

So lets just give it a rest and get back to what it designed for.

It would be nice if the Moderator could now remove all threads that are totally dedicated to the arguments, including this one.
Mar 14, 2005
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I have also personally emailed the moderator this morning to aske for some of the threads to be removed. I think if they remain (and I am guilty) it's human nature that they will go on forever and remain at the top of the page. I hope they are removed sooner rather than later.
Mar 14, 2005
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The problem is which threads? Some start off as a genuine topic and then degenerate to bickering.
Just leave the original 'sensible' question and the sensible replies and just delete the dross.

if the question is obviously dross delete that as well.

After an excellent start to the revamped forum it is rapidly degenerating.
Apr 11, 2005
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Hi all

I think you will find that every one has today sorted the problems out between themselves and have started agian on a happy note !!!
Mar 14, 2005
My suggestion was to remove all threads in the General section and start all over again in the hope that it would be sign to all that things can't go on as they have lately. If there's nothing there to ***** about, hopefully no-one will start. Things went fine for months since the introduction of the new unmoderated forum until someone started and then it seems to have turned into a free-for-all. Perhaps only something drastic like wiping the slate clean is going to demonstrate to all that you mean business.
Mar 14, 2005
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Yes I can see this is a problem for you. You cannot waste your time reading through them. Things have calmed down for the minute and thankyou, maybe see how things pan out?
Mar 14, 2005
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P/R. In the spirit of forgiving, I wont respond to your postings in the same way as you seem to respond to mine. I forgive you.
Mar 27, 2005
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P/R. In the spirit of forgiving, I wont respond to your postings in the same way as you seem to respond to mine. I forgive you.
I think things have calmed down today. Back censoring the general forum would be a nightmare I would imagine. Leaving it there will remind people of what not to do in future.
Mar 27, 2005
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04:05 PM I think things have calmed down today. Back censoring the general forum would be a nightmare I would imagine. Leaving it there will remind people of what not to do in future.
Mar 14, 2005
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The problem is which threads? Some start off as a genuine topic and then degenerate to bickering.
OK, just let them die a death now, they do seem to be dropping off naturally today, as long as they're not added to it should be OK. Thanks Moderator.
Apr 4, 2005
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Agreed! So many people are fed up with the decline in daily life pushed at us by the media, aggression in soaps and most television programmes and we don't want it here too. A bit of light-hearted banter, sensible suggestions and observations and the odd innuendo will do me please!!
Mar 16, 2005
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I have also personally emailed the moderator this morning to aske for some of the threads to be removed. I think if they remain (and I am guilty) it's human nature that they will go on forever and remain at the top of the page. I hope they are removed sooner rather than later.
I cannot remove the whole thread because that would be an insult to those who genuinely took time to contribute to a lively debate.

Deciding which of the unhelpful posts should be deleted would test the widsom of Solomon.

The solution is for everyone to step back and stop posting to the 4x4 topic and let it drop off the bottom of the forum.


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