Tips for cleaning awning rail?

Oct 24, 2024
How do people clean their awning rail channel?

Most of the grubby dark streaks on my van seem to eminate from it, so I was considering giving it a thorough clean.
Oct 24, 2024
Oh heck.

I gave the van a first good clean today and when I was rinsing off with the hosepipe, I was alarmed at the amount of black bits / crap that came sliding down my previously good handy work.
Nov 30, 2022
You can get a "special" brush to clean out the awning rail, like this

But a standard bottle brush, bent a bit so you can slide it along the rail works just as well. Cleaning the channel out is the first task before washing the caravan.

You can get some awning rail protector, which is like the beading used to attach an awning with a strip of canvas attached to it. Like below.

I have not used the stuff, but there are a lot if places selling it, so I assume it works
Oct 19, 2023
How do people clean their awning rail channel?

Most of the grubby dark streaks on my van seem to eminate from it, so I was considering giving it a thorough clean.
The right sized brush (you can buy an awning rail brush) and car shampoo. I can recommend awning rail protectors, they reduce black streaks significantly.

Edit as my link didn't work and Mr Plod was quicker on the keyboard anyway.
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Nov 6, 2005
Being a tight Jock, was wondering if thickish paracord would do instead of the rail protectors, maybe fiddly to fit.
Proper awning rail protectors include enough material to push the water from the roof away from the sides - a cord in the channel wouldn't do that although it would keep the channel clear.
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May 7, 2005
"Scrap" awning skirt pieces cut down to have about a 30mm skirt will do, in stowage at least.
Seen bundles of bits from used awnings in our local dealers over the years.

Anyway who ever implied our hobby was in any form "cheap", like many indulgences it is a money pit, the more so for the those who are avid, must have gadget collectors. ;)
May 10, 2020
You can get a "special" brush to clean out the awning rail, like this

But a standard bottle brush, bent a bit so you can slide it along the rail works just as well. Cleaning the channel out is the first task before washing the caravan.

You can get some awning rail protector, which is like the beading used to attach an awning with a strip of canvas attached to it. Like below.

I have not used the stuff, but there are a lot if places selling it, so I assume it works
I use it on my van and find it works very well.
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Feb 18, 2019
I always found effective is a length of tough string, on one end tie a small piece of soft cloth 2” x 2”, the same the other end. Spray one cloth with furniture polish and pull it through the awning rail a couple of times, then use the other piece to polish off a couple of times, it will pull through a treat.


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