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Oct 17, 2006
Well none of you men have posted since l0.14 so I guess your wives must have read your replies, and taken all your computers away from you all, glad my hubby is not on this forum. lol Regards Liz
Mar 14, 2005
Liz the inference of your posting is such that you think that us men are hen pecked and jump to our wive's commands. You have a poor view of us, especially the Welsh men. We do not now drag our wives by the hair into caves but we are still the master within our house. One word from us and the wife jumps to our immeadiate command. PS she has gone to bed now so I can type this without the fear of her boxing my ears.
Oct 17, 2006
Colin you know who is the boss, you are lucky you have your computer back, how about the other poor men out their what they are suffering now because of your topic, shame on you. p.s have you seen the pictures yet I did not tell you, on other topic lol Liz
Mar 14, 2005
Liz I thought you were a lady but you have gone down in my estimation regarding your comments about that young Scotsman exposing his behind. Shame on you woman - ogling such filth is not becoming of a refined young lady. You must not forget you have to set an example to an impressionable 17 year old daughter. How is she going to blossom into a respectable lady/wife/mother when you are creating a bad influence?
Oct 17, 2006
I had to put my glasses on because I was not sure what I saw, whats mine is mine what's hubby's is mine as well, and daughter she dare so knows her limits. Liz
Mar 14, 2005
I think the best advice I can give to your daughter is to phone Childlene 0800 8811. She needs help in finding a steady and guiding influence as she is now at an impressionable and tender age of her young life.
Oct 17, 2006
Colin she has already tried that, but it did not work, after seeing and speaking to me, they said it must be on the fathers's side. Thanks for your help and advice though I do not have BEEF!! Liz
Mar 14, 2005
Generally it is father and daughter and mother and son. My daughter can get away with more from me than her mother whilst my son can wrap his mother around his little finger.
Dec 16, 2003
Our eldest girl stopped being at a tender impressionable age when she was about six, after that everything was calculated and debated by her. If you took her to a theme park or a theatre or any treat you would never see her excited or smiling ! She was assessing and making an informed opinion of whatever she was seeing. A

Emotion is not something she does. She really was and is scary in many ways. But always there for friends and family.
Oct 17, 2006
I knew I should have had a Boy. I told hubby,but did he listen!!

Perhaps their was a mistake at the hospital, should I take my daughter back and say I had a Son? Liz
Oct 17, 2006
Our eldest girl stopped being at a tender impressionable age when she was about six, after that everything was calculated and debated by her. If you took her to a theme park or a theatre or any treat you would never see her excited or smiling ! She was assessing and making an informed opinion of whatever she was seeing. A

Emotion is not something she does. She really was and is scary in many ways. But always there for friends and family.
I understand cris like my daughter, she has a heart of gold really, no complaints really, I work as you know, she works, but she will still help out in the house, and she is polite to customers, must take after me. Liz
Dec 16, 2003
Well my son is like a Mr Friendly and has and army of male and female friends, he's rarely a winner at sport but has to compete.

He's played 7 games of football since last Sunday morning and still managed to go to work and play squash and cycle and roller blade to his office two mornings.

When he comes to see us he'll suddenly pop out for a five mile run that does not take hime very long. Makes me tired just seeing him.
Dec 16, 2003
Well all our kids would never come home to us to live again unlike colin's, they all have keys to the house and we find them crashing in alone or with partners and friends at times.

Our young man was an easy kid unlike the girls. One cool and calculating and scary and the other animal mad and scatter brained who drives like a racing driver :-(
Apr 4, 2007
Well all our kids would never come home to us to live again unlike colin's, they all have keys to the house and we find them crashing in alone or with partners and friends at times.

Our young man was an easy kid unlike the girls. One cool and calculating and scary and the other animal mad and scatter brained who drives like a racing driver :-(
newbie lynne - my other half is well and truly bossed!!


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